Are biblical six days of creation relevant?
I started out assuming the six days in the film correspond to the six days of biblical creation in reverse order (the seventh day, rest/God, is skipped because "God doesn't exist" in the film). At first this seems to make sense: creation of light on the first day corresponds to no light on the last day of the film; creation of the oceans ("water") corresponds to the well going dry in the film; etc.
But on following this up in more detail, the correspondence isn't all that clear after all. It's hard to list the biblical account days crisply, both because the biblical account is rather mystical, and because it includes a lot of "separating" and "ordering" rather than "creating". Nevertheless, one reasonable guess is:
Day 1: The heavens, the earth, light and darkness.
Day 2: Heaven
Day 3: Dry land, the seas, and vegetation.
Day 4: The sun, the moon and the stars.
Day 5: Living creatures in the water, birds in the air.
Day 6: Land animals and people.
But this doesn't seem to me to match the film all that well. So where do the six days in the film really come from? (biblical Genesis? biblical Revelation? elsewhere?) And just how literal are those days?