Bad movie alert

I watched about 1 hour of this tripe then shut it off. What a yawn! This movie tries real hard to be 'artsy' but fails miserably, it's just pompous and boring. Thumbs-down.

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.[Frank Lloyd Wright]


Totally agree. Even Julianne Moore could not relieve this codswallop.


When you lose someone who means the world to you then you'll enjoy the movie for what it is. You can't relate to the character in the film.


[deleted] think I've never lost someone who 'means the world to me'? - what planet are you living on!

I repeat: "This movie tries real hard to be 'artsy' but fails miserably, it's just pompous and boring. Thumbs-down." --- You deriving from that statement that I've 'never lost someone who means the world to me' indicates you seriously need to improve your reading-comprehension ability.


I thought it was beautiful.


Troll alert!

Just because you didn't like it doesn't meant nobody else should or will. I wish people would learn to say "I didn't like it" (and really who cares what you thought?) instead of vomiting their egomania onto boards constantly.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Anyone who has an opinion different from yours is automatically a troll. Yet miraculously they're the "vomiting egomania" - whatever that is. There is much low-intelligence to be found on IMDB message boards - the purpose of which, by the way, is to post one's OPINION. (duh)

If someone else likes the movie that's fine. Being an adult I can handle it when others have an alternative opinion to mine and being an educated intelligent person I understand that disagreeing with my opinion isn't a threat or insult. Grow up!


Can anyone who hated this film recommend another awful film please.
I'd like to take a look.




ithilfaen I just looked at the headlines of your "Reviews" --- "One word: boring"; "A boring heartless bloodless pseudo romance"; "Bad acting, few laughs, cliché plot"; "Is there anything in this movie that hasn't been seen in others?!"; "Awfully boring alien flick wading in the clichés of every Alien flicks"; "Bo-ring!"...... yet you have the audacity to call Crystalline a "troll" for posting "bad movie alert". You POS HYPOCRITE !



Not everyone has the time to post warnings in the movie message boards they don't like.

Or think they don't like because they never even saw the entire film.

You're a prince!


You made it through a whole hour? - Crystalline you have the patience of a saint! Thirty minutes was all I could manage of this GARBAGE. What a waste of Colin Firth and Nicholas Hoult.


I thought they both gave fantastic performances in a beautiful film. There were wonderful messages about love, finding meaning in life, realizing that everyone has a personal story and that the 'others' that so many people feel compelled to marginalize are simply human beings just like everyone else with all the same humanity and life experiences and struggles. I thought the love between George and Jim came through in a genuine and touching way and that George's grief was grippingly believable. I enjoyed the pieces of deeper humanity we were able to glimpse through those brief moments George had with other people on his last day. And I was glad that he found the beauty in life again by connecting with those people. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it.


It can't be all that boring. Perhaps it's just not to your taste. There's a difference. I have ADHD and it managed to keep my attention all the way though. It wasn't *trying* to be *was*. Every shot is fantastic.


I guess it just wasn't your 'thing', then. This type of film isn't for everyone, obviously. I thought it was gorgeous and sad. Colin Firth's performance was brilliant, and the cinematography and music were very beautiful. I didn't think it pompous at all.


Totally your right to say exactly what you think! I have no problem with that. I think it was a great movie. I also think that if you find this boring, then Sesame Street may be more to your liking, as it moves very quickly and is funny.

I like action films too, with lots of explosions, but I can enjoy a quiet, subtle, deep film sometimes too, which this is. I've seen movies that I think are pompous and trying to be artsy, but not A Single Man. This was good.

Love me some Waltons
