This movie was so boring I wanted to kill myself
I went into this movie with full knowledge there were not going to be any high speed car chases (unless Jim was involved in one and the scene got deleted), explosions, bombs diffused with 2 seconds left or Bruce Willis taking out an army of bad guys in his bare feet. This movie was one big long snoozefest.
It's just Colin Firth standing around looking sad for an hour and a half. His inane narration did not help. Julianne Moore's over-the-top "Ab Fab" imitation and her grating fake laughter was like fingernails on a chalkboard.
And don't say I didn't get the subtleties. This movie was as subtle as a sledge hammer to the head.
I have nothing against Firth or Moore. This was just flat boring.
If anything, I wish we could've gone across the street and see what was happening with the wasted Ginnifer Goodwin.
SPOILER ALERT: Gay man's lover dies, he is sad, he dies. The End