What I liked and some questions
I liked how this movie takes place in 1962, and shows how straight people, even close friends, could misunderstand what it meant to be gay. Young people nowadays, say in their 20's, assume that gay people fall in love and get married for the same reason that straights do, because of all of the awareness of gay rights. So, people in their 20's watching this might wonder why Charlotte, who is a good, close friend of George, still thinks that his relationship with Jim was just a "substitute" for something else. The reason is is that there was not an open discussion of gayness back then, so people didn't really know what to think.
Four questions, though. One: why the focus on eyes? Did the main character just really notice peoples' eyes? Why would the camera zoom in on the eyes of those George was talking to? Was he just really noticing eyes on his last day on earth?
Also I TOTALLY LOVED how Julianne Moore's eyes were done. Gorgeous!! I'm going to try to replicate that :)
Two: when the young man strips in front of George, and George doesn't say anything, are we to believe that the young man knows that George thinks he's gorgeous, but that George is heartbroken? Maybe someone can help me out here.
Three: Why does the young student keep calling George "Sir", and then playfully say, "is that an order?" Maybe a gay dude could help me out here? Is this showing some kind of preference for something? Like..............a certain role or something?
FOUR: DID HE BURN THE MONEY??? I sure hope he did not have money in the envelopes for Charlotte, and someone else. The envelopes which he burned. I know that they did not show him taking his cleaning lady's money out of the freezer, but I wondered if there was money in the envelopes that he burned. Anyone?
Great film!!!
Love me some Waltons