gay music

i grow increasingly tired of the assumption that all gay men listen exclusively to grand opera. visiting my house or riding in my car, you're much more likely to hear Jerry Goldsmith or Bernard
herrmann or Alex North's film scrores than
puccini or Verdi. i was intrested to find music from Herrmann's VERTIGO on the A Single man CD.


just watch PHILADELPHIA.


I guess the time period precluded The Village People getting a gig.🐭


I'd rather gay men listen to classical arias, especially nowadays, rather than the crap they blast at the clubs these days. Before my iPod got jacked last year, whenever I'd go with friends to West Hollywood, I'd bring that to listen to because the house music and it's lack of soul and identity made it difficult to enjoy going out.


People were more cultured in the 50's and early sixites.

It is a sterotype that gay men have/had. I know I LOVE 80's remixes. So I gues I am too.

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I just want to know the music score at the very end...Beautiful
