I'm really disliking Disney's MCU approach
Slowly, these movies (and series) get worse and worse. Endgame was pretty much the end. Since then, I can barely sit though the mess they're putting out.
Something this serious would demand the attention of superheroes, and the technology of S.H.I.E.L.D. But Disney has come up with lame-ass excuses so Fury can save the world all buy himself, from an invasion of the worst kind by shape-shifting aliens, by arming himself with only a eye-patch and a gun. I'm not even sure what he ended up doing. Just bringing awareness?
Even a good cast couldn't save this show. Hell, I could write a better story. There was nothing about the ending that made me look forward to more of this Skull storyline. And drag it out for what. Jackson is too old to carry on with this.
Disney is destroying Marvel, and Star Wars.