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It's really sad that naive people think/hope that by signing a petition on the internet ABC will bring it back.
shareThere is a possibility that it could happen, plus it doesn't take more than 1 mintue of our time, I say we at least try our luck.
No amount of petitioning is going to bring the show back. Morena already has a new show, and I highly doubt WB/HD Films will revive it. There nothing a campaign can do to save it. The biggest kicker was the low ratings season 2 obtained. I do think season 2 was better than season 1.
The campaign's just a waste of time and effort.
You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.
This series has got to have the worst ending of a series since "Lost". I guess they realized the show was over so they just didn't care to try and end it properly. What a disappointment.
Thank you.
"You shoot me in the face and I'll kick your ass!!"
Actually, Family Guy was renewed because when Cartoon Network bought the rights to rerun the show during Adult Swim, it became one of the highest rated shows in its timeslot. That, coupled with record breaking DVD sales of the first few seasons got Fox interested in renewing the series. Fan outcry had nothing to do with it.
If you're a religion, you can have a canon. If you're a scifi franchise, get over yourself.
Signing a petition worked for Farscape to come back and be completed.
Join up in Project Alice to get better recognition.
Trying means getting the network to notice it and convincing the production studios to continue it and so far no one from a network or the WB has initiated anything to keep the show going. Plus, the actors who have obtained work are contracted to that unless it's projects that don't take a lot of time. ABC is partially responsible for the series being axed, but they will say they did all they could for the series, which they didn't.
You just need to accept that it's over, and nothing you do will bring it back.
You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.
It's not called giving up too easily, it's called using known information and formulating a logical conclusion based on the information. Did you actually see how low the ratings were? The series premiere had 14.3mil viewers and the show ended with only 5.51 million that's a loss of 8.79mil viewers in just 22 episodes. Not only did the series have to deal with episodes cutbacks, but it had to pretty much deal with being on hiatus for a total of 14 months.
Is ABC to blame for its cancelation? Yes, but will they apologize for it and bring it back? No. ABC studios owns part of the rights to the series so even if WB/HD Films wanted to revive it they can't unless ABC relinquishes their part of the ownership to the series. Even if ABC decided to sell their part to WB, you also have to contend with the fact that Morena Baccarin is obligates/under contract with HBO's Homeland, which is another obstacle in the show's return. What other network would be willing to take the series after its canxelation? No one has stepped up. Please don't tell me you want the same network which screwed it over to revive it.
As for you saying I give up too easily, you should use some reasoning and base your opinion on factual evidence instead of talking. Remember Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? The fans of that show did exactly the same save this show campaign back in 2009 after it was canceled and what has their efforts done? Nothing. This is why Project Alice will fail with the same results. When a network brings a show back from cancelation, they look at the benefits it would do them meaning they don't care what 5mil US viewers watching the show wants, they care what 15mil viewers of that show wants, but V was never able to attain those type of numbers.
How will you be able to get the entire cast back together with Morena Baccarin under conteact with Homeland and the rest of the cast doing other projects?
You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.
You're right, actors have done two shows at once, but do I have to remind you where Morena's currently filiming? I don't think for a second she would agree to do two acting jobs that requires her travel from east coast to west coast regularly.
Die hard fans wouldn't need to do this petitioning stuff if the show had enough viewers by network standards, which it didn't. The network itself didn't help the show either by placing it on hiatus too long and too often or cutting episodes during production. These were already indicators V might not make it past season 2. You also need to understand ABC's head of programming, who originally renewed it for season 2 left the network and the new head of programming likely already had decided to cancel V by season 2's end.
On a serious note, let it go because it won't be back because the people who can revive the series will not. If petitions like this were really effective, no TV series would be canceled. If they do decide to revive a TV series, there has to be incentives for the network to carry it, and with Vs numbers those incentives aren't likeable by the networks. Family Guy was canceled by Fox and brought back because Fox made a mistake by canceling series when it had good rating and the fan petition to save that show worked because it had the ratings to back up the fan campaign to save it so the network revived it.
Look at Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles and the fan campaign to save that series and get a season 3. Like V, that series ratings were not that good and yet fans of that series are still campaigning for a comtinuation 2 years after it was rightfully canceled with no luck and no one has even noticed that campaign to say yes to a season 3. Project Alice has yet to make an impact on executives at WB or other networks to revive it so has PA failed? Yes. Why kill yourself over a TV series, if actors learn to let it go why can't certain fans.
ABC screwed it and they won't say sorry for screwing it.
You're clearly an idiot, don't get mad because I tell you the truth.
Did you people even WATCH the show?....It was CRAP! I watched every episode, praying for it to get better...and it never did. Earth was at war with the "V's"...and by "Earth", I mean like 6 people. Seriously? Why not skin a V on TV and get more people to join the rebellion? The show had 2 YEARS to get something going....but they blew it. We all know that this show had major plot holes and lapses in logic...I don't want to re-hash them all, I just want to remind everyone that this series is better off dead.
shareI watched V until they took it off Hulu. I was able to see it through other means, but the 2nd season was kind of mediocre and I got tired of it fast. Sorry. It's not as good as a lot of other shows out there.
I am curious, though, what the red stuff was and what the Vs' intention was with regard to the humans--to eat them? Use them as baby incubators? Extract valuable minerals from their bones?
I think the red cloud stuff was to make humans fertile or something like that. And they were planning on using humans to breed with so their race can continue as they are heading for extinction otherwise.
"You can't kill me Stefan. Nothing can." - Radu Vladislas
How many shows have been cancelled and have been brought back by popular demand by fans? Not many. History is not on petitions-to-bring-back-shows' side.
shareThis is one show I hope NEVER comes back. Why? because I love Anna and the ending for season two means ANNA WON hahahahha. And if it continued all we would get is more rancid sh!t from Eric(a) Evans and her manly antics. NO THANKS!. I would rather see the show dead in the water than continue with Evans onboard.
"You put your faith in Odin and Thor. We put ours in Cannons and Whores."
Here here. Where do I go to sign the counter petition? Seriously, the human soul!? Who decided to integrate Robotech into this series?
Don't care about registering to facebook or anything else to vote, but I would sure love to see a season 3 of V, after seeing on DVD the first 2 seasons
First season was interesting, and the second season was only better, and I would find it ashame if a season 3 would not get a green light, and just leave folks hanging like this on such an amazing season 2 ending cliff-hanger like this
I hope Warner realize the good thing they hold in their hands
PS: an other idea would be of course to move this incredible sci-fi V universe up to the next level, the movie theatre for possibly a trilogy to start with.
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Are you sure you were watching the right show?
shareSIGNED! and posted on Facebook for additional signatures. I love this series and I hate the ABc cancels a great scifi original drama and keeps adding these new family dramas which no on watches because we have too many of them already! It's BS and just plain ridiculous!