MovieChat Forums > V (2009) Discussion > "Strong Woman" Fakeleftist propaganda ki...

"Strong Woman" Fakeleftist propaganda killed this show

the corporations and their lapdogs in hollywood, the media, academia and the government have crammed fakeleftist "strong woman" feminist propaganda down our throats for decades now. This show is a product of that fakeleftist 'strong woman' propaganda. The main character was a woman who acted a lot like a man. Problem is, there is no such thing! There are no such women.

So why does hollywood, media, govt and academia pretend there are women like the lead character in V?

Because the corporations want women to be like men. That way women can compete against men in the workforce. That effectively increases the supply of labor, depressing the wages that corporations pay. More profits. And more women can earn more money if they can be like men, thus spending more, increasing the GDP and corporate profits.

Feminism was born of corporate greed.

But only kids buy into the whole "strong woman" propaganda.

All the best adventure/drama tv series have a strong MAN: Sopranos, walking dead, breaking bad, the original V.

Yes, there were other problems with V 2009, too. The main plot was too obscured and complicated. Look at the original V to see how simple plots are better.

Anyway, follow the money.

And to those who may attack me: you adhere to the dogma of the powerful institutions that promote feminism--hollywood, academia, media, gov't. These are powerful, rich institutions led and controlled by the rich. And you eat up their dogma like manna. That should tell you something.

...A leftist against mass immigration and multiculturalism.


So your basically afraid of women.


The main plot was too obscured and complicated.

Dude, your entire post is complicated. But if you're so against show that depict strong female characters, go create your own opposing show, and I doubt that you will consider it easy.

winter is coming.


Fake lectist ? Its Either leftist or it's not .

check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


The government of the usa under a rightist too?

yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


yeah, you're totally right. I notice how not a single one of those who disagree sought to contradict what you say.

Truth is if the visitors were here today, they'd be promoting feminism as the best guarantee of breaking up civil society, strong families and the kind of male leadership that would present the only real possibility of actual resistance.


Now let me get this straight. The person who wrote the original message feels that if earth was invaded by an alien race from outer space, earth's women should NOT fight to defend our planet because they're not strong enough? If it wasn't for the women AND men who fought in World War Two against the Axis countries, YOU might not even be around to practice your First Amendment right to say such a horrible thing! I have two words for you: antipsychotic medication.
