Am I alone in wondering why the 5th column didn't simply skin one of the lizards and show the world what they really were?
Even the bleeding hearts would have trouble overcoming the human race's natural xenophobia!
Am I alone in wondering why the 5th column didn't simply skin one of the lizards and show the world what they really were?
Even the bleeding hearts would have trouble overcoming the human race's natural xenophobia!
I just finished the series 2 hours ago... and your right.. The writers must have been new the writing or something... There are many massive plot holes in the V universe... A lot didnt make sense... So I just watched it for as much enjoyment as I could get out of it.
Yeah so much of it didn't make sense. You'd think that having the template in the fact that THE SHOW HAD BEEN DONE BEFORE would have helped them overcome this.
In the original series they had a plan to do this very thing, they unmasked one of the Vs on live television to accomplish this very thing.
In this new show, they have a TON more resources. Their members include an FBI agent assigned to protect the Vs leader, a television personality with exclusive access to the Vs leader, the most bada$$ V assassin ever made, the daughter/princess and future queen of the Vs and the former leader of the Vs.
In the original show they were a bunch of ragtag freedom fighters on the run. An old lady, a priest, a pregnant teenager, Michael Ironsides. No one incredibly threatening.
Sure there is a priest in the new show, one with COMBAT EXPERIENCE IN IRAQ AND 2 COMFIRMED COMBAT KILLS!!
No question with the people they had in the resistance on this show they made some horrible decisions. Not only were they not able to defeat the Vs, they couldnt even win the war of public perception.
How did they F that up?
It seems the 2009 series wanted to be different from the original; not just redoing it. And I liked seeing the different imagining.
The original had a TV-journalist(Singer), and the new show didn't have the reporter with them until 4/5th into the series.
Steps to a great life:
Watch Twilight Zone
Listen to Wayne Dyer
Go vegan
And they also had Mark Singer, the Beastmaster himself. You are the first person I have ever encountered who describes Michael Ironside as being “no one incredibly threatening.” Singer and Ironside, together, in their Prime, as they were in the first iterations of V, could beat up the New England Patriots entire lineup.
Unmask a V and they go bananas over the entire world.
So the best bet would be to make the invasion costly for them so they lose interest and leave one day.
How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hands.
Yeah. Earth can't win an all out war with the Vs.
Also, if it does get the reaction 5C is looking for, Anna could spin it and say they didn't share that information because humans would react just as they are reacting.
Also, being a lizard doesn't make them bad. 5C would be seen as having tortured someone alive or have killed a V and basically violated and destroyed the body afterward. That could backfire big time.
Malek: It is essentially an asexual process.
O'Neill: That why you guys take hosts?
Stargate SG-1
I think people are forgetting the reasons stated in season 1 as to why they can't skin them and show the world.
Also being a lizard under human skin doesn't prove you are evil. I've seen people wear animal skin before (leather/fur), I can't call them evil people trying to take over the world. If I said that I'd be quickly admitted to an institute.
Why do people start raving about these things being "plot holes" when all that's happened is you've forgot what was previously mentioned?
There's no reason in hell why the Fifth Column couldn't have just exposed the Visitors for what they really were. Considering how many Vs they murdered, they had ample opportunity to skin one of them and FedEx the remains to the nearest television station. Since the main plot of the show is essentially a PR war being raged by two opposing sides, exposing the Visitors as reptiles would have been a major victory for the resistance.
shareI'm rewatching it and Georgie suggests this, but Ryan tells him it would be stupid because then the Vs would go to war and the humans wouldn't stand a chance. And he's totally right. Revealing them like this would be stupid.
shareYou are right, and we have more evidence that too many people on the internet don’t pay any attention to much of anything.