Cash Cow

How long are the producers going to drink from that TWD well? How many times can we rinse, lather and repeat the same Zombie scenario again and again?
The Walking Dead was an intelligently written and acted series, up until about season seven (In my opinion) and then it started being the same routine over and over.


What boggles my mind is, why the fuck didn't they try to "cash in" 5-10 years ago?

When this show was at its height. For a few years, it was the biggest thing around. From the states to the rest of world.

There used to be freaking neighbourhood watch parties for it, man!

But they didn't start milking it till people stopped giving a shit. What? I mean the main show ended just a while back & most people didn't even care.


Keep the audience in a loop. Repeat. Keep them brain dead while we steal their tax dollars.

The Vanguard Group


They dont have any other tv show tha people would talk about. So they need at least something recognizable.

But at this point I wonder if they make any money at all from those tv shows. Very small crowd is watching them.

I guess Walking Dead was too bloated with the cast, too many characters and everyone want a raise every year. So they finished it. And created new shows where they only have to pay 3 characters - Negan, Maggy and Daryl. Others are supporting and dont get much. And its only 6 episodes.


No show should go for too long. Since writers simply run up from new ideas for characters. They already told everything they wanted. But producers keep going for another season so they have to make up something. Its like no show should have more then 5-6 seasons.


I had the same feeling after Dead City (which I gave up after the 3rd episode) but Daryl is much better. I wish they only continued TWD universe with this show as it brings something original and new instead of DC which just looks like a budget version of TWD.
