League of Gentlemen is a black comedy series that started off as a sketch comedy surrounding the bizarre inhabitants of a town, but it got more complex by virtue of the storytelling... It was a lot more tightly written than psychoville, in many ways. Every joke and sight gag they threw in worked on its own while also showing how everyone in the town were interconnected in one way or the other. Also there were many instances where the punchlines actually developed the plot. It was very innovative with its format for its time.
Beyond all the bizarre prosthetic make up and costumes, they actually developed the characters in the town to the point in which you started caring for them, even while the plot became more outlandish and creepy, essentially turning the show into a surreal horror/ drama show as well as a comedy. The plotlines were also developed a lot more naturally than Psychoville, everything seemed to fall into place naturally as you slowly got the big picture.