Agreed fatpie42.
Honestly I think Tai Lung's weak point was his personality. With Shen, you get the rage, the lust for power, everything that made Tai Lung such a great bad guy, but the element that I always felt was missing in Tai Lung was an actual personality. I felt like Tai Lung was an archetype and Shen was an individual. For example, that scene where he is practicing what to say to Po when he enters...hilarious. It gives you a different side of this already multi-dimensional villain. And no, I am not talking about cheap laughs here, I am talking about the fact that you get to see some quirks that Shen has, not just the obvious fundamental failings (parents didn't love me, can't take correction, etc). Tai Lung feels like they took every classic Bruce Lee/Jackie Chan kung fu movie villain and rolled 'em into one, complete with the cheesy melodramatic dialogue we would expect from such characters "At last! A worthy opponent" "Shifu taught you well...". That's not a bad thing, in fact it endears those of us who love those old kung fu movies even more to the movie. But as fatpie42 said, the sequel goes for something a little more ambitious. Shen was just truly unique. One minute he's a bloodthirsty killer, and the other he's an insecure ruler trying to fit into his own crown. In many ways a more likable and consequently more despicable villain.
Don't get me wrong, Kung Fu Panda is one of my favorite movies of all time. But if the point of a sequel is to advance the plot and the characters without screwing up everything that made the original so good, then Kung Fu Panda 2 is probably one of the BEST sequels ever.