As the credits rolled... I fell into a deep silence...
What can I say about this movie that hasn't already been said ? Every scene in this movie is drawn and directed so beautifully, you feel you're standing next to Po and the furious five... Scenes that particularly left a deep mark in my heart (be it happy or sad)... Scenes of little Po... How he was so cute and innocent as a baby panda... Scenes of Po trying to unlock his inner peace... And that scene where
You have a fully matured and unlocked Po standing in front of hundreds of ships and repelling them as if they were nothing... The soundtrack and the whole scene just makes you shiver... And yes even I have to admit... I teared quite a lot in this movie... Something that also like with many others, rarely happen... No contest, this is the best animated movie this year and one of the best movies in general... everything about this movie is perfect... The direction, the soundtrack... and that kind heart-touching message it's trying to send... Don't let the past teach you the wrong way...
"Say it if it's worth savin' me"