I think YOU have missed the point entirely of this film. Yes, I realize this is an animated film about talking Kung Fu animals, but isn't the point of films not only to entertain, but to speak to us ABOUT real life. It isn't that hard to see that the film (obviously marketed to kids, but applicable to anyone) makes very clear statements about lessons or morals of the story that we need to learn. Lets say that you wanted to use the films to talk to children about bullying. Tai Lung is certainly your classical bully, he is big, he picks on everyone weaker than himself all so he can prove his superiority. But unfortunately in real life (and yes, even in the world of make believe talking animals) there is not just one type of bully. What about the bully's who use shunning, psychological torture, relational aggression, etc. (Ever seen "Mean Girls"?) I don't know that this is entirely what the filmmakers had in mind, but to claim that because this isn't real life we shouldn't deal with real life issues seems to be taking a ridiculous stand just to score talking points against the other poster who disagreed with you.
Secondly, I think your understanding of Kung Fu's purposes and aims is incredibly narrow-minded. For example these statements.
"It's boring and shouldn't be in a Kung Fu movie (animated or not) because it then becomes an anti-climax when the good guy fights the minions/underlings/hired hands to get to the "boss", and then gets a very easy battle with the weak boss who usually tries to run."
Um...no its actually not an anti climax. Its just a different kind of climax. The point of this was not to show who Po could beat up (we already know he can do that) The climax of this film was when he finally was able to achieve inner peace, which is ABSOLUTELY something that should be in a Kung Fu movie (see point below).
"in Kung Fu Panda's world brawn IS enough."
Um...actually its not. If all that were required for Kung Fu were to beat the &%@# out of someone, then yeah sure, Tai Lung is the only possible villain for the movie. But anyone who studies martial arts will tell you that it ISNT just about brawn, nor is it all about FIGHTING (as you assert). The point of martial arts (and really the aim of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy) was to emphasize TOTAL harmony: Mind, body, spirit. To assert that the ONLY thing Po needed to learn was how to kick Tai Lungs a$$ you are actually demonstrating your ignorance about the purpose of Kung Fu. Watch the film again and this time pay close attention to Shifu. You know, Shifu, the great guru of the film. He flat out states that that Po has mastered ALL the physical skills necessary to be the dragon warrior. Now he needs to achieve inner peace (i.e. total harmony), which he could not do until he came to grips with his past and finds peace in his future. Shen was the person who stood in the way of his being able to achieve that.
As to your final point, all I can say is if villains like Shen are boring to you than you really have missed out on a lot of great villains. For example Hans Gruber from Die Hard (its actually quite easy to kill him once John McClane sifts through all his minions), The Joker from Dark Knight (yeah he puts up a pretty good fight, but that fight only lasts about as long as the fight between Po and Shen in KFP2. Not too mention the fact that there are also two times when Batman could have easily taken him out if only he hadn't gotten distracted...just like with Po and Shen). Or if you want to go the route of other kids films, Scar from Lion King is very similar to Shen in that he is also very much a weakling who has to rely on his pack of hyenas to defend him, yet I would hardly call him "boring". Also, villains from literature such as Iago from "Othello" (in my opinion the BEST Shakespearean villain of all time).
One more side note. If you really think the cannons are that wimpy why don't you try stopping a cannon ball with your bare hands and then throwing it back. Honestly, I thought that was freaking awesome. And by the way, REAL LIFE cannons actually do just fire "small chainless wrecking balls", what were you expecting of the weapon, SCUD missiles? And its hard to call what the cannons do "minimally explosive" (For example, look at what they do to the palace and the blockade of ships)
Honestly, I would suggest you broaden your views a bit. If you don't like Shen because you find him boring, that's fine, you are entitled to your own opinion, but don't expect the rest of us to buy into your weakly argued points or your narrow-mindedness.