Good film but lacked a big fight scene.
I didnt like this as much as the first one. I was kinda let down by the fights in the movie, none of them were as intense nor as entertaining as the ones in the first movie.The Tai Lung breakout scene, the fight with the Furious 5 on the bridge and the fight with Po were better than any scenes in the second film. KFP2 didnt have that so much, its still kind of a martial arts film and you always look forward to the big fight at the end but Shen was beaten rather easily infact.I get that Tai Lungs power came from his martial arts whereas Shens power came from his army and technology but a common rule is that the villain in the next film is more powerful than the last and Shen would have been wasted by Tai Lung in seconds.Still i enjoyed the movie alot.