How can they top Lord Shen?
If there going to make 4 more films. I mean...who can be more ruthless and evil then Lord Shen. He is considered better then Tai Lung. Who can be more cool and evil then Lord Shen?
If there going to make 4 more films. I mean...who can be more ruthless and evil then Lord Shen. He is considered better then Tai Lung. Who can be more cool and evil then Lord Shen?
Each villain has had:
1. A definite combat advantage over the good guys. (Pressure points, cannon)
2. An excuse for his own evil actions that ties his grievances together with Po's life. (Dragon warrior ambition, panda massacre)
The animals from the Chinese Zodiac that we haven't seen yet are dragon, horse, rooster, dog, and rat, unless I missed a background character somewhere.
Add that together and one thought that comes to mind is using an actual dragon. No, we haven't seen any mythological animals yet, and I'd be happy if we didn't, but gorillas don't belong here either, and they got screen time anyway. The tactical advantage would be his ability to fly, breathe fire, and generally do what dragons do best. His excuse could be something along the lines of "My kind was banished years ago because of [whatever], and you dare set up this 'dragon warrior' to take my place? How dare you RAWR RAWR RAWR!" Since the dragon was an ancient symbol of Chine, now somewhat displaced by the panda, it would have a nice real-world resonance.
How that might fit in with the shocking, completely unforeseeable after-the-end revelation of this movie, I have no idea, but it would fit the bill.
Another possibility that does tie in with the last scene is a deer or something similar. The pandas seem to have a lot of agriculture, and that could lead to a battle between the forest dwellers and the farmers. We haven't had a bad guy with horns yet. And it would set up a bamboo-grove showdown.
Shen has set the bar extremely high. As an intellectual villain, and embodiment of evil that has direct ties to Po and his past, voiced by Gary Oldman no less, he is going to be a very tough act to follow.
They would have to choose the right animal, actor, and screen writing to achieve it.
- The General has spoken.
I agree. My first ideA for the third film was a Dragon Villianess. as for the endin of the second movie, it would set up a great internal conflict and make an interesting choice for Po.
Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw
OK, it's an old device, but it might work well in Po's case.
What if some spiritual force separated Po's Yin from his Yang? He's black and white. The living embodiment of Yin/Yang. Much of what makes him special is that he's basically a good, lovable character. But what if he became a black panda, and white panda? His fun-loving side without the killer edge. Each side incomplete.
It might go somewhere interesting if they scripted it correctly.
Entertainment and politics... I see Ellsworth Toohey is winning...
Tai Lung was much cooler than Shen to me... (even if both of them are so similar it's boring..)