MovieChat Forums > The Irishman (2019) Discussion > Hoffa ... better, same or worse than the...

Hoffa ... better, same or worse than the mob?

I wonder who is the hero or this movie, or what the point of it was.
Obviously they do not know what happened with Kennedy, and they
still do not know what happened to Hoffa ... so let it rest until there
is some plausible story there. This movie sucked.


No it didn’t ‘suck’. The film is designed to stimulate discussion of the case by presenting a version of events, much like Oliver Stone’s JFK.

The movie is far too sophisticated to have a ‘hero’ (facepalm).


> The film is designed to stimulate discussion of the case by presenting a version of events, much like Oliver Stone’s JFK.

JFK was filled with BS, and so was this movie. Useless and pointless discussion is a waste of time.


Let’s slow this right down. The Irishman and JFK are movies about unsolved mysteries and each present possible answers to the events they deal with. They’re only ‘BS’ insofar as they’re fictional representations - which is exactly what they’re supposed to be.

Useless and pointless discussion is a waste of time

The discussion of this topic is absolutely worthwhile, and is why these message boards exist. Your mindless interjections are useless, pointless and a waste of time, but that’s entirely your doing.


I don't hear much discussing from you ... I hear insistence, bloviating and insults.

Notice how I have not replied to anything you have said anywhere here ... precisely because if I don't think someone has anything to say worthwhile I don't just keep butting in and blathering at them ... I skip them or put them on ignore, which is where you are now.


But... you’ve just replied to me 🤷🏻‍♂️

When you’ve finished farting out mindless abuse, do you have anything relevant to add to the discussion at hand?


Is it useless and pointless discussion to wonder how and why a president was killed? Was it just a crazy loner who wanted attention and got lucky? And if so, how could there be so many lapses in security by the secret service? And if it wasn't just a lone gunmen, why was the government so insistent on telling us that, and who really did it and why?
