i love this movie, only 8 minutes in and i have to say, i love it. i want this on DVD. the only bad thing about it, is its low budget quality like bad girls from mars and toxic avenger. but thats what kind of makes it a good movie at the same time. cool!

thats all, i dont know why everybody hates it so much.



i detect sarcasm in this topic.


Dear David, after a brief examination of your comment I have deemed you mentally unstable, don't worry though I have the perfect solution.

Your treatment will consist of a movie to movie presentation of the IMDB's top 250 movies in a manner simmiliar to that used in that incoherant film that everybody hates: A Clockwork Orange


I would like to point out that not everybody hates A Clockwork Orange. I love it and know several people who do as well. The book was better, though that's often the case. I didn't like this movie, I thought it was just stupid, but to each his own!


I wasn't being serious about a Clockwork Orange, I like it and only used it as a contrast and because of the treatment that's used in the film. I do have to agree that the book was better, but at the same time feel that Kubrick's interpretation is as close to a faithful adaption you could make without alienating the audience.

And yeah this film sucks
