is Ice Cube in this?

so is Ice Cube in this? They need to do a team up movie.

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


I hope he appears.


Yeah, they release a spot with him on it


Saw a test screening a few weeks back.... He turns up at the very end when the team get split into two and engage in a firefight with some henchmen. They're pinned down, no more ammo and Darius turns up at exactly the right moment to save their asses. His appearance takes up around three minutes of screen time, which involves a very brief "Thanks for helping out brah" convo with Xander. Darius also brings him a car to drive off with, presumably he'd been holding it for a very long time as they specifically state the amount of years between "State Of The Union" and this film. The car looks exactly like something Dominic Torreto would drive, which got a big laugh out of the test screening audience.


Why watching the Cowboys vs Packers game... 'saw a goddamn commercial that thoroughly ruined his surprise cameo.

So yeah, Cube is in it... 'wish I didn't know that, but, because of the laziness of an ad house, I know now.


That spot is pretty much the full time and the trailer action is all there is also.
