Just Saw An Advanced Screening
I LOVE the part where he goes skiing into the woods.
I like the part where the cop guys are like "You have 3 seconds to comply. One.. two..." then Vin Diesel knocks them all out and goes "....three."
I like the Paramount Logo.
I like the Revolution Studios logo.
I LOVE when Vin Diesel skateboards on the side of a bus down that real big hill and then high fives someone he passes in a car.
I like when he hits the guy in the face with the dirt bike.
The tough and gritty lesbians he works with are really cool fleshed out characters. Finally a movie brave enough to show us that lesbians can be cool too.
I'm glad the dude from IP Man was in this. It was cool to see him on the same screen as Vin Diesel because they have a lot of integrity. He has a lot of dialogue.
Water skiing with dirt bikes? AWEOME! LOVED that sequence.
When Vin Diesel said the line "Damn it feels good to be back" the entire audience in my theater broke into applause and many even gave a standing ovation.
Just kidding. I'll never watch this retard-catering trash movie. I just described the trailer, which I only saw by accident. *beep* Vin Diesel and anyone who pays to see this movie. This movie deserves to lose 100% of the money that was spent making it.