About Gibbons (SPOILERS)
I just saw the movie, and personally i had fun. I tough some scenes had a bit too much shaky cam wich was annoying at time, but beside that the plot was fun, the characters too. Sure its a turn your brain off type of movie a la commando and such, but as that it did the job. If i want to be nitpicking i could say beyond the shaky cam that
1) How cool would it had been if Yen and Ja would had fough instead of being on the same team.
2) Even tough they turn good guys at some point, the "bad guys team" seem to have more star power than Diesel team. I mean Yen, Ja, Bisping... VS Diesel. The sniper chick was cool but i never heard of her before, the 2 others where disposable characters that barely had a purpose.
3) Tony Ja was a bit wasted compare to Donnie Yen. He didn't had many fight scenes.
And finally the thing wich let me wonder, how the hell Gibson and the soccer guy actually survive the explosion, and like completely unharmed. It goes boom right beside them and you see the fire coming straight at them. Maybe if Gibson would had show off with even more of his face burned or something i would had find it more believable or if they had show the scene in a flashback where some table or whatever protect them, but to be expected that both of them stay alive withtout a scratch was a bit too much...
Did i missed something or does am i supose to just think "bah... brain off movie" lol
Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!