About Gibbons (SPOILERS)

I just saw the movie, and personally i had fun. I tough some scenes had a bit too much shaky cam wich was annoying at time, but beside that the plot was fun, the characters too. Sure its a turn your brain off type of movie a la commando and such, but as that it did the job. If i want to be nitpicking i could say beyond the shaky cam that

1) How cool would it had been if Yen and Ja would had fough instead of being on the same team.

2) Even tough they turn good guys at some point, the "bad guys team" seem to have more star power than Diesel team. I mean Yen, Ja, Bisping... VS Diesel. The sniper chick was cool but i never heard of her before, the 2 others where disposable characters that barely had a purpose.

3) Tony Ja was a bit wasted compare to Donnie Yen. He didn't had many fight scenes.

And finally the thing wich let me wonder, how the hell Gibson and the soccer guy actually survive the explosion, and like completely unharmed. It goes boom right beside them and you see the fire coming straight at them. Maybe if Gibson would had show off with even more of his face burned or something i would had find it more believable or if they had show the scene in a flashback where some table or whatever protect them, but to be expected that both of them stay alive withtout a scratch was a bit too much...

Did i missed something or does am i supose to just think "bah... brain off movie" lol

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


I had a feeling gibbons faked his death.


Sniper Chuck aka Ruby Rose is a star from Orange is the New Black


am i supose to just think "bah... brain off movie" lol

yep - this. and i agree abt gibbons. should've been more burns or SOMEthing!



Feel the same way this was a total b movie i had a blast i loved donnie yen here any body that hates this honestly to me has no since of dumb fun this was pure dumb fun donnie yens fights were awesome an when ice cube showed up an killed like everybody i was laughing so hard i couldnt stop lol


I didn't know Ice Cube was in it, i guess the trailer i watch didn't had him so i was like HOLY *beep* !! when he appear. Loved that.

And yes there some mispelling and words error in my original post, i was tired that day and english is not my first language. Ill see if i can edit it.

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


I saw also later that the sniper chick is like in everything lately, she is in the new (crappy) Resident Evil adaptation and in one of my most anticipated movie, John Wick 2. Looks like she is the new hit girl on the block lol. I never watched Orange is the New Black.

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Its annoying the *beep* out of me that she is in everything nowadays shes not even a good actor and the producers just want to capitalize on her fanbase.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


The chick was ruby rose shes the villain i reckon in john wick 2 or one of them in real life she was sexually abused as a child an she was abused for being a lesbian i reckon.As an adult she likes to blear gender an in john wick 2 she dresses like a man .


Lol maaaaaan I bugged out sooo hard when Ice Cube came on, I couldn't believe it lol that was so frickin satisfying lol. Thank GOD I didn't know he was in the movie, that totally took it over the top for me


I did to this was a total guy movie made for the male audience an i loved it not saying women cant like it but this was clearly a dumb fun dude movie an it will do well over seas so bring on the ice cube vin team up xxx 4


Lol yeah man I know what you mean, this film was raw, in-your-face team up action. Your comment reminds of when I saw "Safe" (Jason Statham) in theaters with some friends including these 3 chicks. I totally remember the badass nature of that film drawing my attention away from my now ex GF lol. I was just ignoring her at one point only reacting to the film lol, & one of other friends was doing the same

But I gotta say I think this movie tried to be inclusive to even the female viewer who loves a good ass-kicking movie, several of the female characters were definitely likable & kicked plenty of butt themselves, that one shootout towards the end was awesome. I thought it was a film for anyone who just loves a good action movie (but as you're aware, idiots everywhere rather criticize than have fun)


Any body that watches a movie were ice cube blows up a truck load of people an says rock paper scissors grenade launcher an then complains about story has no right to ever review films lol
