Box Office hit!

Not a smash but a hit. Patriots day would kill to get these numbers (no pun intended).

Vin can do these action movies until he's 70. He's our Arnold so to speak.


Diesel haters are pathetic. They're jealous because they can't get girls like he does. 

They don't want to work out, too hard for them. It's better to sit on their fatass and bash Vin in front of their sticky laptop.


You guys going gaga over a 50 year-old 1-franchise actor is starting to be as creepy as Vin is around Brazilian reporters.

I don't use ignore, because I don't need a safe space
2017: The Scorpio rises - HAIL XBOX!


big deal...he has an outie belly button too. He took time off to drink booze and eat know, enjoy life. can't you tell he's happy.


Then he get's in better shape again. It's like when he gained some weight in Fast Five, but then was thin in Furious 6.



If it hits $200 million at the box office a sequel may go ahead, it really needs to hit 300 for it to be an almost certainty with the budget this film carries.


There's an 's' missing from your thread heading.
