Did anyone actually like it?

Saw it today and i was quite disappointed. I was really looking forward to this as i liked the first one, but this felt like an inferior clone of fast and the furious. I hated the whole team thing as it wasnt like that in the first one and thats what fast and the furious is. I thought this was meant to be a spy movie. And where was the story? I know its an action movie but cmon.

Shakespeare wrote, “Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable"



They referenced Avengers in the recruit in the start, it was a bit like that and a bit like Fast and Furious. I barely remember the first XXX movie though I own it, it was pretty fun I thought. I didn't come in expecting James Bond and I wasn't unhappy at all.


Avengers is so so much better. The acting is like 10x better and it actually has a storyline. And I also like the characters in avengers more because they have their own movies and back stories. I don't know why you would even compare the two movies they are nothing alike.


I think Avengers is a boring superhero movie. everything in avengers is picture postcard for teenagers.


And this is for edgy 12 year olds. 

Glorious glory


you like avengers and yet this isn't great.

I'm not sure what the OP liking "The Avengers" has to do with anything.

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....



Admittedly I had fun with it. I'll file this one under "guilty pleasures".

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


Yeah it was entertaining enough to watch once but I just thought it would be a bit better.


Its only been a couple of days but I remember more of it than that Tarzan movie I rented.


it got a huge pop at my theater...the entire seating capacity clapped, whistled and yelled. there were even several on their feet.


By the end of the film there is about ten different main characters. We didn't get much reason to invest in any of them. Fast and the Furious is at least better at giving them distinct personalities. Nina Dobrev is very cute. They tried to make her the funny one but it didn't work that well. Then there was the crazy white guy. Because every movie has to have a white male jester these days for people to laugh at. Most of them, including Ruby Rose, were one dimensional tough guys. I expected her role to have more to it. ROXC would have been better with a condensed cast.


Agreed too many characters. It might have worked if the team had been a lot smaller and there was room for character development


Storywise, this movie stole a lot from Goldeneye and the Mission Impossible series and a few other flicks, including a number of direct scene thefts. Though i'm pretty sure i've never seen a guy get flushed down an airplane crapper to his demise before. Anyhow, because of all that, there wasn't much to even enjoy in the movie, seen it all before.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I can deal with the unoriginality of it because I get that it would be incredibly hard not to copy at least one movie Nowadays when it comes to action it's all been done but yeah the storyline was so predictable. For once if they are going to have a sequel let some more main good guys die and the bad guys win at least for now and let the good guys win in the sequel


Better than all the others IMO.The action scenes are very well done.
Worth the D box price if it's available in your area.
