I went into it with low expectations and was still mad I watched it.
I read the bad reviews, but I went into this hoping for nothing more than a fun, creepy movie. Nothing else.
I had no idea I'd be looking at the time wondering when it would end. The only thing that kept me watching it was the fact I suggested it to my boyfriend, and I wasn't going to turn it off halfway through after making him set aside "movie time." I felt awful for making him sit through it.
- The married couple's bickering got old after the second back-and-forth, boring argument. The fact that they continued to engage in these types of arguments for basically the entire first hour of the film got incredibly grating. Then they had that long, drawn-out conversation in the car outside the church, where the husband says he still has feelings for her, etc. It just brought down the already slow pacing and made me wish they'd both just die already so they'd shut up.
- The wife's acting and dialogue were awful. "Is that what you did in Vietnam, hahhh! Sir, yes sir!" Bitch why aren't you dead yet? We freaking get it. You don't like your husband. We got it half an hour ago.
- The kids sucked as villains. The husband stands there with his back exposed to a guy with a spade or something for like ten minutes and the guy does nothing. The boys attack him one by one rather than using strength in numbers and rushing him. The cornfield had to do their jobs for them.
- The whole movie was so badly paced. It was like an hour of driving around, nagging, driving around, nagging, more nagging, driving around, then stuff finally starts happening and the rest of the plot is basically "guy runs through cornfield for half an hour, then dies. The end."
I felt like the whole movie was just a bunch of driving around bitching, bitching, bitching, wife dies, guy runs through cornfield, guy dies.