I made it about 10 minutes forwarded about halfway...


...watched wifey's demise and thought it might get interesting...boy was I wrong...

...proceeded to laugh my butt off and have my gag reflex triggered by the ridiculously bad dialogue and acting in the confrontation scene between the main character and the kids...

I don't think I can finish this one...I'll try...


Fast-forwarded to the 1:00 mark. Still lame.

Fast-forwarded to 1:15. Still lame.

Fast-forwarded to 1:20.


Watched the main dude's death scene. Still lame.

Watched the end. Still lame.

Wow. This movie sucked on all levels. Amazing accomplishment.


Just shut up you pretentious troll.


Such Is Life

it's my way of saying 'life goes on' credit: ben cousins


Miss-Aimee, I'm not sure what I find funnier and more sad...this movie, or the fact you took to the time to defend it. Come out of mommy's basement much? hehehe


oh I get it! we're not supposed to post unless we agree with YOU! grow up

RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


It's a Sy FI movie and a directed to video movie. It is what it is. Pales in comparison to the cinematic 1984 movie.

The movie started out pretty good for me

I hated how Vicki and her guy Bert fought constantly, almost to the point of comedy and lousy acting off and on with them fighting. The last half where it's just Bert running through the corn in a marine style fighting rampage sucked.

The first half wasn't so bad. Generic Sy Fi movie. I was not expecting much so I was not disappointed.


I don't remember this much bickering between the couple in the original. It wasn't even believable.


I'm glad to see the children follow the trope of attacking only one at a time. The scene in the alley when Bert is yelling at the mob, goon in overalls #2 just stands there with his mattock while Burt beats up goon #1.

Oh, looks like #2 gets it during his turn.



Clark's destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


No it was not lame. It was a better treatment of the story.

Now if only they had the budget to get better actors in three of the main roles. It's too bad Horton, Hamilton and Franklin's talent went to a worse script and better budget in the 80s then this with worse actors, a better script and less budget.

Gamefaqs has a far worse population than IMDB
