MovieChat Forums > Children of the Corn (2009) Discussion > Nebraska is not even in the bible belt.....

Nebraska is not even in the bible belt...

LOL...when he says, no wonder this place is called the bible belt. Nebraska isn't even in the bible belt. Just google "bible belt" and it will show you a map. Sorry but all of the downtalk of Nebraska was so funny to me. I'm from Nebraska, so maybe that's why, and I don't remember so much trash talk about the state in the original movie. I think I remember hearing the name of the state they were in maybe once. Hopefully most of you out there realize that this is a movie and not a documentary, lol. We're really not that bad .



Don't forget the horse and wagons. We have not moved on to cars yet, which is why you hardly see any in the movie. The ones you see are from other states.


Maybe they chose Nebraska mainly because it is the corn state. And the corn in the movie is important for the story.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


lol i agree, the corn state thing lol


I'd bet dollars to donuts that the reason King chose Nebraska was that he got the idea for the story after (or while) driving through Nebraska, seeing huge fields of corn, stopping in some tiny towns, etc.


Their state U are the Corn Huskers after all. Some of their fans playfully call themselves "the children of the corn."


The thing to realize when you're watching a film (well, other than it being fiction and not having to match anything in particular about the actual world) is that when a character says, "No wonder they call this the bible belt", it's telling you something about that character. In the film's fictional world, Nebraska may very well not be in the bible belt (we actually do not know if it is, because there's no information about this). But that doesn't matter. That character thinks of it as the bible belt, and that's what he's commenting on.


That character thinks of it as the bible belt, and that's what he's commenting on.

Good point, anyway it is in the cornbelt lol


I grew up in Kansas and Nebraska was always included in the bible belt.

As for relying on maps, it depends upon which map you choose...


Northern and Southern Bible Belt:



Well I grew up in Nebraska, and to my knowledge we have never been considered part of the 'bible belt'... as far as we're concerned, the only 'bible belt' is the 'southern' belt. Unfortunately, we do have more than our fair share of country music and talk radio, however, thankfully we are seriously lacking in the radio evangelist department. Even in the 70's Burt would've had to TRY to find one, let alone so many to have trouble avoiding them. That being said, the beginning came off as a little bit silly and misinformed... but hey, it's a fictitious town in a work of fiction.


Anything not NYC or LA is the Bible Belt.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes
