Does a feminist wear heels? Don't know? That's the point
I hate the word "feminist" because it means too many different things to different people.
Most women are egalitarians - and believe women should have the same rights that men have. Most men believe this as well. But that's where things get tricky
Does a feminist wear heels? Some would say "yes" because it celebrates the feminine form of a woman. Others would say "no" because women should not have to wear something uncomfortable simply to looks good. In reality, none of these have anythin to do with equality
You see a commercial for a woman boxing and people talk about that as feminism. In truth, most women don't want their kids of any gender to get into boxing, and wouldn't promote this as progress
I've seen cities where "feminism" is an attempt to create an all female gym for lesbians (San Francisco tried this). I've seen where feminism is about encouraging women to make money as strippers and ones where feminism was to ban strip clubs
Is Beyoncé a feminist? Does putting on lingerie and singing while shaking your body for money make you a feminist or the opposite? Their are completey opposite viewpoints on this
Some women have the view that a woman has a special role in caring for the home and not having to make hard decisions and thus should support the husbands decisions. Others in the bdsm community believe in female-led households where the man is basically her slave.
In short, it simply doesn't make sense to call all of these different viewpoints "feminism."
Recent polls show Clinton only leading trump by 13 points along female voters - not that much different than the split between Obama and Romney. Are these women who don't vote for Clinton not feminists?
I wish more men and women who believe in equality would start calling themselves egalitarians instead of feminists, so we would have an idea of exactly where they are coming from.