I Hope he's happy!!!

This is an article I found on the new script for The Expendables. Im still a fan of the guy but not taking this movie was the nail in the coffin of his career. He's done! Here's the link and article.


Levity We read a seriously early draft before getting our hands on the newer version, and its a definite improvement, mostly because of the humor. The plot, featuring shady backroom dealing and double-crosses were also streamlined, but the movie earns points for its interest in quiet moments. There is a street scene where Christmas gets to put the smackdown on his ex's new beau that ends up as a slugfest between Statham and a few goons, a definite crowd-pleaser. Most interestingly, though, are the moments with Tool, the ex-Expendable written into the new script for Mickey Rourke. Tool, now retired and owning a tattoo parlor the group meets at, is a mellow, philosophizing character who gets a number of juicy lines and provides a lot of male camaraderie in his brief scenes. He never goes into battle, but we see he still maintains his skills when he chucks a knife into a wall poster of, you guessed it, Jean Claude Van Damme.


You're posting that everywhere? So what, he turned down. I would be glad, if he will make it as a "serious" actor..


Serious actor? You did see the trailer to this right? And I posted it in 2 spots, not everywhere.


It's good to see that Stallone still featured his friend, Jean Claude, in this movie. Positive things.


Well, I thought Rourke and Van Damme were friends. They did film "Double Team" together...


I don't think that there's anything to see here in all honesty. We can take it in a negative way, or a passing reference to the film that they made together.

Either way, JCVD's still in the film so it's a good thing.


Well, I know Rourke was the one who broke up the fight when Chuck Zito or Vito or whatever his name is, started to slam Van Damme's head into the table at Scores in NYC in the late 90's. They were friends back then.

Sucks that Van Damme turned down a role, though having him AND Lundgren in the movie would have been awesome. And Seagal. And a cameo by Peter Weller saying a RoboCop line for laughs.


What is the new beggining ? New Love and Universal Soldier crap sequel ? I'm not too sure to understand what is that new beginning, because he's doing nothing new with theses films and Expandables will be released !

Last Movies:Whiteout - 3,5/5
- Inglorious Basterds - 5/5



I heard JCVD turned the role down because it was not deep enought of a character for him. Has he seen any of his own movies?



It really is one of the dumbest reasons for not taking that role!!!


It's a blockbuster flick full of action heroes, he should have accept even if it's a 20 seconds cameo where he get his butt kicked ! It's an hommage to the genre !

Last Movies: Whiteout - 3,5/5
- Inglorious Basterds - 5/5
- Détour - 3,5/5


Universal Soldier was not his choice to do - it had something to do with contractual obligations - do your research! Expendables might be a good movie but unless it's packing a story like Ocean's 11 it's a waste of talent! JC ain't gonna play a sidekick he's THE man of the shows that he's in that's just him
