Willis + Levitt

It was a big weakness to not just have Levitt or Willis to play the same character,it was just so distracting.Like having Levitt wear prosthetics so he'd appear to look more like Willis but he still looks NOWHERE like him,still a good film though .


I have just finished watching this film. All I could think of was JGL looked nothing like Bruce Willis. I don't care what makeup they did to his nose, his head, whatever. He looked NOTHING like Bruce Willis. I'm not going to say that spoiled the movie but it would have been better had they done more to make him look like Bruce Willis did when he was younger. Whether it was his hair the way he wore it in Moonlighting, or whatever. That was a big error in this film. I'm still trying to wrap my head on who Jeff Daniels was supposed to be.


I agree, he looks nothing like BW! It's weird because everyone knows what BW looked like when he was a younger man!
JGL does look strange in this but I actually find him more attractive in this than he looks in real life.


The prosthetics were pretty terrible.

http://imgur.com/lazJg3O - The IMDb Politics Board.


What would be worse, the practical make up effects of this movie, or if they did it CGI style ala Benjamin Button, Tron Legacy, Civil War (Tony Stark)?

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
