We saw young Joe kill old Joe, that happened. But later on, when it's old Joe's time to get sent back, he overpowers his captors and is sent back in time with his hands free. But that didn't happen, as we saw what happened earlier!
Both events happen. Same as OLD SETH exiting with limbs, only to have them vanish while tethered to his Double in the past.
If this were linear temporal mechanics, OLD SETH would have 30-some years to replace his limbs with prosthetics. But we know this isn't the case. So we're dealing with Many Worlds. Infinite to tell.
There's no thought or explanation given to this, it's just a different version of events. And if you think about it, it kinda breaks the whole movie. They just erased one version of events and put a new one in place.
Every second of your life is different from the last. Every time-traveling Double in a Many Worlds system is different from the next. However, in Looper, the Doubles are both Unique(Past History Changes) and Tethered(New Outcome/Destined Updates).
Holographic Universe, is one theory. Funny. I like your sig about The Matrix. It's fitting here. "You thought this was run-of-the-mill time-travel you were watching?"
Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.