Yup, it's official. I've found a movie that's even too graphic for me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't seen EVERY movie there is. But I HAVE seen most. It's almost an addiction to see what I can see next. (Human Centipede 2 is on my watch list next) So, there may be a movie out there that I won't even last as long as this one. But here's to hoping this is as bad as it gets and I won't have to worry about hearing a baby screaming while being raped ringing in my head constantly, anymore.
It wasn't really the scene in general. Not even the visual, which I was watching the uncut version, so I had to watch the guy thrusting, which is CLEARLY depicting him having sex. It was the SOUND of the baby crying that did me in. I have 2 boys, and so, as a parent, I would NEVER want anything bad to happen to my children. Or really, ANY child.
So yeah, I lasted until about 10 minutes after that when he woke up in the bed with the blood, and had decided I'd had enough. It took me 3 days to get through Cannibal Holocaust, which was the first disturbing movie I'd ever seen. I decided never to finish this movie. Never ever. For my own personal sanity.
In no way do I think anyone who watched the whole movie are sick, and need to die, or are going to hell. You guys just have stronger stomachs and minds than me.
All day long.... baby screaming in my head.... not a fun thought while at work. Heh.
Anywho, I was just curious how many of you sat through it in one fell swoop, or had to turn it off and come back to it because you were disturbed by something in it.
The first time I watched it, I absolutely loved it. It had a lasting effect on me though, and while it didn't really scare me, I was quite disturbed for a long time. Since then, I've watched it 5+ times, showing it to several people. About half hate me for showing it to them and refuse to watch the whole movie, and the other half adores it.
Just reading about it on imdb.com and Wiki makes me not EVER want to see it. Why on earth would anyone want to see some sh!t like that?? I'm sorry, but I think you HAVE to be a special kind of "fcked up" to actually enjoy that. Shame on anyone for getting off on this smut. Disgusting. I've been reading several of the posts on this board and it BOGGLES my mind how many morons are out there defending this dreck. Who cares if it's fiction?? The very idea of something so heinous being written into existence is troubling. I truly worry for mankind if ppl can sit around "chuckling" at the depiction of an infant being assaulted like that. Just sick and depraved.
First, it is not smut. There's some hard/gross stuff, yes, but it is a very well made and acted movie, with real deep emotions and conflicts running through it. I must admit, I only watched it because of all the bad stuff I'd heard about it (morbid curiousity) and didn't expect it to be good, but I was surprised that it was a story that really held my attention, with characters I cared about...and all the "bad" scenes only take up like 10-15 minutes of its 100+ minutes running time. There's a good story in there, about moral choices and their implications, it is not just a movie made for shock value.
To the OP: Yes, I watched it in one sitting, for exacly those reasons I described. I wouldn't call anyone a "pussy" or something for not wanting to see it or not being able to handle it; we're all different and I must say, that as long as it is all fake (as we know it is) I don't have any boundaries. But show me one of those documentaries about abused animals or sick children, then *I* am the pussy and switch channels - does that make me sick and perverted, JeanieBee??
My biggest problem is people who want to impose their morals on others and want to have stuff they don't like outlawed and censored. Then I would want rom-coms outlawed (especially those with Jennifer Aniston), because even if people think they're feel good movies, they are the opposite: namely movies that make people think unrealistically about love and thus never will be happy.
It's nothing BUT smut, what are you talking about? And to answer your question, yes, you ARE sick and perverted. Just deal with the fact that you are instead of trying to trash commercialized movies such as your typical rom com. I'm no fan of those types of movies; I scoff at them as well. Just because someone doesn't fancy sitting through a movie where someone simulates disgusting acts on children doesn't mean they automatically fall into the category of perferring Disney movies. Like it or not, there are moral boundaries that we have as human beings, and from what I read, this movie has crossed them.
If you're ok with calling this "art" and defending it, that is your right. But don't get upset or offended when someone lumps you into the category of "pevert". You're ok with it as long as it's "fake". That is disturbing on SO many levels. Depiction of child rape is ok with you. There are SO many different arenas of entertainment in this world, why on earth would something like that be worth watching? Nevermind, I don't even want to know. As I've mentioned before,it takes a special kinda fck'd up to sit through something like that, I'm sorry. That's my opinion.
You know what, people talked just like you're doing about films like Psycho, The Exorcist, Peeping Tom and even Frankenstein. All of those films are considered classics now, and they all contain pretty intense content. Just accept the fact that the bar is going to continue to be pushed and then move on. I'm a defender of this film because I happen to think it's very powerful. If it shakes people up and makes people react strongly to it like you are, to me, it's done it's job.
Wow, so according to you, as time goes on, society will continue to spiral downwards deeper into depravity so much that "art" like this will soon become the norm. Nice. I can't with this thread..seriously, my mind is completely boggled by ppl like you who think this is ok. I'm done. The world is indeed a scary place.
Wow, so according to you, as time goes on, society will continue to spiral downwards deeper into depravity so much that "art" like this will soon become the norm. Nice. I can't with this thread..seriously, my mind is completely boggled by ppl like you who think this is ok. I'm done. The world is indeed a scary place.
It's not just according to me. That's the way it is. Five years from now, maybe less, a film will come out that will make this look tame. That's what horror is. You can either accept it and move on or you can act self-righteous about it and pretend that filmmakers, writers, singers, artists, etc, shouldn't push the lines and should just make the same sh-t over and over. It's not going to change the fact that, yes, times are changing. What was offensive ten years ago is no longer considered horrible. In the early 70s, it was shocking and offensive for a film to depict a little girl jamming a crucifix into her bloody vagina. Today, everyone has seen that film and has moved on from it. It pushed the boundaries of horror and nowadays it's considered a classic.
As shocking as it may seem, sexual assault in horror films will more than likely become more and more common place than it already is. Those films will increase in numbers. You don't have to watch them, but for those of us who want to be shocked, offended, disturbed, disgusted, and challenged, in other words entertained, we'll gladly check them out. A Serbian Film hasn't pushed any boundaries that haven't already been crossed. It has just done it in a way that hasn't been done before. Transgressive imagery and material has existed in art for hundreds of years. Exposing oneself to it is just one way of dealing with it.
Yes, the world is a scary place. It is also a beautiful and unusual place, and there's plenty of art out there that explores that as well. I'd rather experience that side of life than this side any day of the week, but it certainly doesn't hurt me to experience horrors like this occasionally. It helps strengthen my constitution. I don't think any of this subject matter is okay, but that's not going to stop me from just ignoring the fact that things like this exist in the world.
Excellent response to JeanieBee. I love how she is acting so self-righteous without even seeing the film! I'm a horror movie fan but I have no interest in seeing this. It sounds TOO extreme even for me. It sounds like "Salo" which has got to be the most repulsive film ever made. Still I don't have any problem with people seeing it and liking it. Who am I to judge other people?
BTW tony I really hope you're wrong about sexual assault becoming the norm in horror films. If it's needed than OK but more often than not it's just thrown in for shock effect.
Thank you for your response. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to see a film like this. If someone does, it doesn't mean that they're bad people or anything.
Here's the thing, I feel like it kind of already has become part of the norm to depict sexual violence in horror film, and I feel like more explicit depictions of that are going to continuously come out. Sometimes it's important to the film, sometimes it isn't. However, on the plus side, there will always be other horror films that don't have things like that in it that will push the boundaries of horror in other shocking ways, but that doesn't necessarily mean that people won't want to watch them. Filmmakers are always coming up with bright new ideas to propel their fears and what horror means to them. There will be plenty more sexually violent pictures, but there will also be a lot of very creative pictures too. I wouldn't worry about it though. I'd say, if a film comes out that seems like it's too horrible or shocking for me, I'm not going to see it. I have yet to come across a picture like that, but I don't doubt that one day that film will exist.
I agree with what u say but (for some reason) sexual violence in horror sometimes really offends me. Graphic blood and gore I have zero probelm with. Even nudity doesn't bother me--it seems to be a rule now that every horror film has to have gratuitous female nudity:) But when it comes to rape or stuff like that I just have a problem with it. "Humanoids from the Deep" for instance is a fun if very stupid horror film but the depictions of rape were just unnecessary and totally ruined the film for me. When it was suggested that they were gonna rape a young girl I just gave up. I know it's fake and u gotta expect a Roger Corman film to be exploitive but that got me. I don't know--just me I guess:) I think it's when u get these posters that go on and on and ON about how great the nudity and sex is I just think--"Isn't this supposed to be scary and not turn u on"? I know I know--my problem. Thanks for "listening" to me.
Hey, nothing wrong with not wanting to see that kind of stuff. I tend to try and avoid seeing people get set on fire or being tied up if possible, unless it's relevant to the story. Stuff like that makes me uncomfortable as hell. Everyone has their own aversions.
I definitely agree, that there's nothing wrong with not wanting to see this; I have a friend who loves horror, who's not sure if he wants to see it. But JeanieBee shouldn't call people sick, just because it goes against HER beliefs and morals, especially not when it's all fake - although I'm sure something like it has happened.
Its always nice to see intelligent conversation on the Imdb board, instead of just attacking someone because they don't agree with you.
As for the OP, I understand where you are coming from, that scene bothered me as well, but I did watch the entire film (even though I felt that it got much worse after that scene). I thought it was well made film, but I have no desire to watch it again. I don't know if you're going to finish the film or not, but I do think its worth finishing.
For me the gore wasn't that big a deal, its the ending to the movie that really messed with me. I knew this wasn't going to be a happy ending movie, but I didn't see the ending coming, and it really shocked me.
I'm not saying I don't trust you, and I'm not saying I do, but I don't:) On twitter @Justin9IN
Honestly, I'm willing to bet that JeanieBee didn't even read most of the stuff we wrote. That kind of kneejerk reaction to a film like this is part of what's making it so notorious in the first place. People are going to see people flipping out about this film and talking about how horrible and disgusting it is, and then they'll go see it and find that it's not as bad as people are claiming and some of those people will more likely appreciate the film more for what it is much like both you and I have. :]
Yeah I'm totally sure that this kind of thing has happened a lot. Hell, stories like this probably were common in medieval times. I see nothing wrong with filmmakers trying to make a realistic film.
You accuse the other poster of being self-righteous while coming out with a very self-righteous comment yourself.
I will judge other people whether people like it or not. It's a natural human response and my right to judge someone is greater than their right not to be judged. That's not to say I go around or condone people deliberately being judgemental as a matter of course, but yes I do make judgements about people all the time, albeit mostly sub-consciously. Great evolutionary adapation that helps us far more than it hinders us. Stops you getting ripped off and generally harmed.
If I'm alone on a train and some stranger starts talking to me about disturbing and depraved *beep* I'm not going to say don't judge him, I'm gonna move to another carriage or get off the train! If I'm wrong about the guy then I haven't really lost anything. Better than being right but too politically correct to do something and become another grisly statistic.
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If I can add my personal opinion, you must be either deeply ignorant, or deeply in denial to rebuff the suggestion that society is on a downwards spiral into depravity. I mean think about it, the only 'progression' we have ever made has been in the areas of science, technology and civilization, most of which are simply innovations and discoveries which improve our quality of life. But actual morality has always eluded us, and I'm pretty sure that in a couple of years at most, A Serbian Film will have been pushed down the list of ultimate movie shockers. The future isn't bright...
So you're saying a young girl violently masturbating with a cross while exclaiming *beep* Jesus" wasn't shocking at that time? The point is that horror films have always pushed the line, even as early as the 20's. As viewers become more and more desensitized and less impressed with the same old stuff, the line continues to get pushed.
JeaniBee, did you read my whole post? Am I sick when I can't stomach to see documentaries - REAL HAPPENINGS - but am ok with something that is fake? And why is it wrong when it's fake? It's easy to say that it's "disturbing on so many levels" without arguing for it. And yes, I will call it art (though I didn't, YOU put words in my mouth) as all movies/books/music/etc is art, whether you like it or not.
And "from what you've read..." Well, I read the same, decided to see FOR MYSELF and found the story to be well-crafted and engaging with only, as I wrote, 10-15 minutes of gross scenes out of a 100+ minutes. Also, I NEVER said that I chuckled at those scenes, it is just YOUR imagination that makes you believe that that's what people, who like this movie, do.
And who says that EVERY movie has to be for entertainment only? Some movies set out to show you how the world can be, what some less fortunate than you must go through on a day-to-day basis; that's called learning/enlightening.
If that's "just your opinion," stop stating your opinions as facts. It is not a fact that someone who enjoys this movie is a pervert or sexual deviant. The implication is absurd and childish. You have some growing up to do.
“but it is a very well made and acted movie, with real deep emotions and conflicts running through it. I must admit, I only watched it because of all the bad stuff I'd heard about it (morbid curiousity) and didn't expect it to be good, but I was surprised that it was a story that really held my attention, with characters I cared about...and all the "bad" scenes only take up like 10-15 minutes of its 100+ minutes running time. There's a good story in there, about moral choices and their implications, it is not just a movie made for shock value. “
I would add that it is very inappropriate for people, like the OP, to comment and make value judgement about a movie they have not seen... 'judging a book by its cover' sort of thing.
Comment AFTER you have seen the movie OP... PLEASE! 🙈
True, but in the base of our nature, where we are depraved to the uttermost, there is a morbid curiosity for extreme wickedness, even if we do abhor it. I do agree that one is surely SICK to find 'Newborn Porn' (how I hated typing that just now) any kind of amusing.
I thought the baby scene was horrifying, but it didn't quite leave me disturbed or anything, which I think is because I'm only 15 and don't have any children. I know, for instance, that my father would be more scarred by this than I was.
"There is no end, there is no beginning. Only the infinite passion of life. "
Thanks everyone. As someone else stated, it is VERY nice to see a grown-up discussion without all of the name calling here on IMDB. I have a friend who has seen the whole film, and she said it was very disturbing, but she doesn't regret finishing the film. I *may* finish it one day, when the baby scene isn't so fresh in my mind.
As for the movie itself, I completely agree with the acting/filming. It drew me in. I wanted to see the rest because of the wonderful acting and great film making. When I first read about this movie, I expected to see August Underground kind of D filming and acting. Not the case at all! I was pleasantly surprised to find it could easily be labeled an A movie.
Do I think we (who saw it) are all sick in the head? Yes. Yes I do. And I wear that proudly. Lol. But does that mean that just because we watch movies like this we're going to go out and rape a newborn? Nope. Not even in the least. I consider watching shocking movies like this to be much like riding roller coasters or sky diving is to some people. We are thrill seekers. We get a thrill out of be shocked, disturbed, grossed out, and just plain given nightmares. Are thrill seekers bad people because they ride these rides or jump out of airplanes because it gives them a thrill?
I think it was a well-made film considering it was pretty low budget. It was designed to be shocking and disturbing.. really very nasty stuff, but to me less horrible than "Human Centipede". I guess with that film, I was looking for some sort of reason why I should be watching it, whereas with this film, we know the stuff we are watching is part of the film that's being made in the film. The director in the film is trying to say something with his disturbing images. Not sure what it is that he is saying but at least we know there is supposed to be a point to it.
that said, it doesn't make it any easier to watch. Personally, I don't like to call the "torture porn' films horror.. to me, horror will always be about monsters and evil things and psychological terror, rather than just horrifying images.
an earlier poster mentioned "The Exorcist" and how shocking it was at the time. Well it still is, I showed it to some students last Halloween and they were really put off by the crucifix scene, so it still is shocking (this was a group of 20 year olds, so all they really know is crap like Saw and Hostel)
Still not sure why I watched "A Serbian Film" and even several months after seeing it, just thinking about it creeps me out.. but scary no, just disturbing and creepy.
all that being said... if you don't like a genre of film, don't watch it... since we have a lot of info available before we go to the cinema, rental store, download, etc. -- it's pretty easy to make your choices. Personally, I will take the first "Nightmare on Elm Street" or the first "Halloween" or even the original 'Carrie" --- guess I am just old :)
With an excellent scenario, and a first part with amazing suspense, that makes you almost feel sorry for Milos, before even the "action" starts.
There is no compromise or softened depictions of the excellent scenario, and combined with the excellent photography and direction, especially considering it was shoot on digital format, its an unique viewing experience. (Perhaps a strong stomach is needed, I have no problem with any kind of gore, real or fake)
And then there's the ending. A plot twist better than anything I could imagine.
You say you can watch almost any movie but this one did you in? The baby was very fake looking and obviously a puppet, the most fake and hilarious scene in the movie. Anyway you, sir, are not hardcore enough ;)
Perhaps I saw a different version than you, but the baby in the movie was gripping onto the mans arm.
Granted, I don't believe he actually raped a baby. But the birth WAS real, and therefore I can only conclude that the baby was as well.
I agree, I'm not as hardcore as some (my friend I mentioned before, of course), but we all have our limits. I'm sure that once I decide to actually finish the film, the baby scene won't effect me as much.
Do any of you who have commented have children? Perhaps I'm just too emotionally attached to my children, and therefore imagined that, that was MY child, and I wanted to rip the guys head off. Or rape him in the eye. ;)
that bit was utterly savage. i'll remember it till the day I die "NEWBORN PORN!!!" thats what turned my stomach, i paused it and actually sat in shock for a bit. I mean i've seen almost every *beep* film ever made, ichi the killer was a savage film, but this annihilated that.
i almost didn't wanna sit through the rest of it, but I did, and wished I didn't, the end was *beep* ruff to say the least.
meg that bit with the baby was a shocker, but the end will *beep* your head up.
oh and to all the prudes: noone is gllorifying the abuse of anyone child or otherwise, so stop trolling. seriously all your doing, is trolling yes you have opinions, fair enough, but I can gurantee everyone who watched this was utterly mindraped by almost every scene in the film, but it didn't give anyone kicks, it shocked and shocked hard, which is what kept alot of us watching it.
and it's defended beacause even without any child abuse it'd still be a good film, it's not based on or designed around it, it's all about pushing the bar for art, and not realistically, I mean within the film, the directors twisted jaded view, how he justifies it, the sickening look of disgust on the main guys face.
all of it was shocking, some people wanted to keep watching, some people didn't, but accusing people of being sick for watching it? go *beep* yourself, prudes, go watch wall-e for the 900th time.
Yep, and I have been watching horror themed movies since my early childhood, and it developed into a passion that I have today, which is collecting and searching for something shocking and deep. I am just curious on how far the darker side of creativity can be. And surprise-surprise, this passion for cinematic shock and violence never made me think something in the vein of "oh I would like to see/try that in real life". The purpose of art is to evoke a certain emotion inside a human being. Now, what kind of emotion is going to be evoked depends solely on the artist and his ideas. I can't say that this particular film shocked me nearly as much as some other films I saw (mainly Philosophy of a Knife, Imprint or Eden Lake), but what really annoys me is that self imposed "holier than thou" attitude of some people. I lead a normal life harmless to others, and the last thing I want is for some quasi moralizing idiot to point finger at me impose the thoughts that just because I watch this type of films, automatically I am glorifying and supporting what is shown. Human mind and creativity is limitless. So who are they to set the limits for everything and "exiling" everyone for whom that limit doesn't mean anything?
I jumped around the movie. Didn't make it to through the baby scene. Of course it's fake, but it looked real enough (misery accomplished). The scene that really did me in was when he was all drugged up in the scene with the girl handcuffed to the bed. Way too graphic, way too real for me. However, I'm not going to denigrate viewers of the movie as advocates of child rape (I've told a dead baby joke or two), or beating women, or any rape for that matter. Watching an extreme film shouldn't be a litmus test on ugly aspects of society that we find acceptable. I actually found myself saying: "Phew, thank God this isn't real!" And I've always thought that the most depraved and *beep* up thing you can think of, somewhere, someone has taken that next step. I can say that I shan't be viewing any of this movie again. More power to y'all that can, but I have limits. I'll stick to Caddyshack.
I have not seen A Serbian Film, but I have read multiple detailed synopses and reviews of it.
I am a longtime horror fan, since I was a kid. I spent many a night wide eyed and terrified, but it did not deter me from watching the next horror movie.
I do not care at all for the new wave of ultra-visceral, graphic torture/rape "horror". I don't even enjoy what many would consider the lighter fare (Hostel, Saw III+, etc.). I just don't see the point in watching one person commit abject cruelty on another in a highly detailed and realistic manner.
Given all that, I understand those who, in the spirit of The Grand Guginol, wish to test themselves and sate their morbid curiousity. I myself sought out the Faces of Death series when I was a teenager just to see what it was all about. However, once viewed I never watched it again.
I have enjoyed some of the new wave of French horror (eg. Irreversible, Baise-Moi, Haute Tension) and some of the new wave of Asian horror (Old Boy, Ichi the Killer, Audition), but they are about my limit.
If you watch these films with an uneasy stomach and let out a bit of sigh when the final credits roll, I get that. I've been there. Though my curiousity has been sated and I have no desire to sit through any of the new films whose focus is on highly realistic debasement and wanton cruelty to others. It just hurts my soul and haunts my mind.
What I don't understand is those that own films like August Underground, I Spit on Your Grave, Men Behind the Sun, Guinea Pig, Cannibal Holocaust, Salo, A Serbian Film, et al for repeated viewings. I do not understand the desire to subject one's psyche to those horrors (simulated, but done so very realistically) over and over again.
I respect your right to view it, but its not for me. I worry about those that consume these types of films over and over. Morbid curiousity is one thing, but morbid fixation is a disorder.
[quoteWhat I don't understand is those that own films like August Underground, I Spit on Your Grave, Men Behind the Sun, Guinea Pig, Cannibal Holocaust, Salo, A Serbian Film, et al for repeated viewings. I do not understand the desire to subject one's psyche to those horrors (simulated, but done so very realistically) over and over again.
I respect your right to view it, but its not for me. I worry about those that consume these types of films over and over. Morbid curiousity is one thing, but morbid fixation is a disorder. [/quote]
This. This. This.
Omg these people must not realize how messed up they are for this. Watch the movie, do whatever, but to people that watch this, salo, human centepede 2, 5 and six times is just so messed up beyond belief. If someone wants to test themselves with these movies so be it, but when they repeatedly watch them over and over and obsess about them, that is a disorder.
That is not normal. I know a guy from my high school like that that is now in prison for stabbing his cousin and sister. He was the same way as these people that post on these forums about watching stuff like this everyday and calling it art.
I'm not saying you will stab someone if you watch this, and I know after I hit the reply button everyone is going to ignore what I said and call me an idiot and put words in my mouth. But when you are fixated on stuff like this all the time you have a disorder. It isn't normal.
No it was not. It was effects work and editing. Real child birth is not that "rubbery". Clearly prosthetic effects. Also note you never see the woman and the birth itself in the same shot?
therefore I can only conclude that the baby was as well
I can conclude you are an idiot. You can clearly see it's a puppet. The way it moves was too "stiff" and well...puppet like.
You know when you see someone get shot via a gun in a film, do you believe someone was really killed too?
Do any of you who have commented have children?
I do. I found this film hilarious. It was way too OTT and cartoony to be taken seriously See the animatronic baby for proof. It's a comedy. I know it's supposed to be serious, but the director failed at making anything serious at all.
BTW, you only got 100 mins in? It has a 104 min runtime uncut, so you saw all of it then?
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Well, at the time it appeared to be real. Lol. Maybe I just had too much invested in it.
I got to these scene where the main actor wakes up in bed, and the bed is bloody, and he walks around trying to pick up the pieces. My player said that was 100 minutes. So, unless the last of the movie was only 4 minutes long, either IMDB is lying about the length, or the video player was. Lol.
Hahaha. Yeah, I ended up finishing the movie a while ago. And the rest of it didn't bother me at all. And I clearly stated that it wasn't the visual that did me in. It was the sound. ;)
I really doubt you've seen most movies. There are so many out there that it seems it would be impossible to watch even half of them in a regular lifetime.
Thought he meant all the *disgusting/shocking* ones.
Anyways, point two:
"even without any child abuse it'd still be a good film"
That just made me laugh.
And THAT was even funnier.
point three:
Here now is this testimony from Paul Bonacci regarding that event. Be forewarned—even though this boy is making the effort to keep his language clean, he is nevertheless describing extreme savagery and brutality:
"(...)I heard another shot from somewhere and then saw the man who killed the boy drag him like a toy. Everything including when the men put the boy in the trunk was filmed."
"They had the film and they played it. As the men watched it they passed Nicholas and I around as if we were toys."
THAT is the shocking thing to me. This movie, Hostel II, and others, help to expose it. Good. About bloody time, pun intended.
That's fine. It's a rather disturbing film. I have to admit it didn't shake me half as much as THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE II did, however, so good luck with that. I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.