MovieChat Forums > The Devil's Double (2011) Discussion > Which do you prefer- this or the Last Ki...

Which do you prefer- this or the Last King of Scotland?

I don't know if this has been mentioned before but to anyone who hasn't seen the movie, If you liked this one, I suggest you take a look at The Last King of Scotland

*spoilers ahead*
Both movies are similar in storyline with a dictator(in the Last King) and a spoiled brat prince like character (Devil's Double) walking on the verge of madness and the protoganist who is kept as a pet being inadverdantely trapped in the web of things and serves as a silent witness to the inhumanities going around him. And if you dig deeper there's even an eerie similarity with how the protoganist has a fling with his keeper's wife/girlfriend towards the end.
Although i'd say the Devil's Double is a decent movie, I think Forest Whitaker's performance in the Last King completely overshadows anything Dominic Copper dishes out here, although that's not taking anything away from Copper's role (if anything he turned on one of the best double role in movies in recent times). But all in all, having seen both these movies just recently, I'd prefer the Last King of Scotland as a completely package as well being the movie having a better lead role.
What about you guys?


Yes your right they do share a lot of similiarities but The Last King of Scotland is a far superior movie imo. Though they both took some creative liberties with the facts TLKOS still remained grounded in reality whereas TDD was more about sensationalism and shock value and became quite ridiculous really. Dom Cooper did a fairly decent job in TDD but was a bit too cartoonish and lacking any real depth to both characters. Forrest Whitaker oth was absolutely immense in TLKOS.

I'm the bad guy?
How did that happen?


I also was reminded of the Last King of Scotland when I saw this, and for the same reasons. I think while in real life both Uday Hussein and Idi Amin were brutal dictators, Uday in this movie was a menacing madman while Amin in the Last King of Scotland was a semi-comic character in his mannerisms and speech. I did love Forrest Whitaker's African accent in that one. Amin did seem benign in some segments of "Last King" while Uday was a menacing villain throughout this movie.

They should make this a trilogy and make a movie that takes you deep into the North Korean regime. Kim Jong Il certainly was a very eccentric and evil madman and so is his son Kim Jong Un who apparently ordered the execution of his uncle and several other Party leaders during a drunken rage. They were known to kidnap people especially women from South Korea and Japan. Maybe they can make a movie about an activist Obama voting American who goes to North Korea to help with the socialist cause and discovers the true horrors of the Kim regime.

