Is it me or does anyone else watching this find it hard to believe?
There are only 3 episodes out so far, and spoilers ... there is a divorce coming up! Maybe? ;-)
So far this is just a woman married to her high-powered and high-paying job with a kind of "poodle" husband who is an academic and a nice enough guy, who comes home and proclaims she is in love and has been having an affair and going to leave her husband that very night to fly out of the country for 3-4 months, leaving him with their daughter.
How can a women who is so emotional and needy go months or years as she said unhappy and never mentioning it or talking about it? How can the husband who is blindsided by this and having his whole life turned upside down not respond and lose his temper?
So, my feeling is that there is something in this movie that is being transmitted to the audience that not realistic. Maybe the writer is taking the side of the husband and trying to show how unreasonable and capricious woman can be? I don't know, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. This is a story beyond anything in life I can relate to in that it is almost all mental, taking place in the minds of the characters with emotion subdued.
I'm curious what others think of this series. Do you think the characters are rational, irrational, believable, unbelievable?