This show has runied Chris Pratt for me
I've been following Chris Pratt's movie career since Moneyball. I liked him in that. I also really liked him in The Five year Engagement, Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic Park. I started binge watching Parks and Recreation a few weeks ago and didn't even know Chris Pratt was in it. Knowing this, I was even more excited to watch the show. He was enjoyable for the first 5-6 episodes, and then his character took a horrible turn where he developed into a mumbling fumbling simpleton with a 4th grade mental capacity. I am now in season 5 and cannot stand his character which seems to be bordering on retarded. Now when I see him in one of my favorite Chris Pratt movies, all I see is mentally challenged Andy Dwyer and it bugs the sh*t out of me. Does anyone else feel this way? His character is overly simple and dumb to the point it is no longer me.