Can't stand Ann

I was surprised to not see a thread about this. I don't know if she is a popular character, but I never really liked her from the beginning. She was incredibly boring throughout the series. And especially in the first couple of seasons, she was supposed to be so "sweet" but she really wasn't. She was so snarky towards Mark when they started dating (and during). She dumped Andy (which I don't blame her for doing, at all), tells him that Mark has everything he doesn't, then gets bored with Mark and starts showing interest in Andy again. I didn't quite understand why Chris broke up with her the first time (since he was going to keep living in Pawnee), but I was so glad when he did.


she gets a lot of flack on here for being boring so you're not alone

i dont dislike the character but i think her and mark were extremely boring together

i think ann becomes more interesting after mark leaves

imo mark is just a jim halpert clone to an extent (although he has a few differences) and i never liked his character ... ben is far better at doing what mark was supposed to be

then ann doesn't really have any character traits (they depend on the situation she's in or who she's with) so together they were basically nothing

Azula >>>>


Ann is a bit of the "straight" woman who serves as a confidant to Leslie. I agree with her character kinda blending into whoever she may be dating at the time but that point was even brought up in the storyline for a while. Ann isn't the most interesting character but Rashida plays her well, so she is likable to me. In a town like Pawnee full of weirods and unique characters you need one or two who are less loopy.



I don't dislike her, but she ended up being wasted a bit as the series progressed. She worked well as the "straight man" for Leslie, Andy, April, Tom etc to bounce off, but not so much when they tried to give her her own storylines - eg. dating a string of men and then "dating herself", and pretty much everything when she hooked up with Chris for the 2nd time.

The worst Ann episodes for me were when she tried desperately to get Ron and April to like her, and pretty much anything to do with her pregnancy - particularly the one where she complains to the parks staff. They tried to present her as a funny character in her own right which didn't really gel with her having played the "straight man" for so long.

It felt like the character unravelled as the series progressed, but due to dodgy writing rather than genuine character development (ditto when Chris got depressed, none of that was convincing for me either).


I'm only starting Season 3, but I can't stand her.
Probably because she's the most realistic character on the show.

Everybody else is an exaggerated over the top character, but she's just an all too common bitch, you run into every day.


I only started watching the show a couple of weeks ago. I've recently started season 4, but I've got to say I really don't dislike Ann at all.

I do see qhere you come from. She's not as quirky as the rest of the characters, but she doesn't have any negative qualities besides being "too normal". She's even had funny moments ("that bitch over there!").

I think other characters have had more despicable moments. I don't like April, sometimes. I understand what she's supposed to represent and her role in the show, but sometimes here "grouchiness" and rudeness go a little too far for me. Like with Jerry, whose role I also understand is to be made fun of all the time, and that's a running gag in the show, but April is the meanest to him by far.

Also Tom has a lot of very selfish moments. But I really don't dislike any of the characters.


Never liked Ann. Way too boring and not so nice. Rashida Jones' character on The Office was equally as boring I thought. I can't help but wonder why this actress gets such boring characters to play.


I really like Ann, especially as the show goes on. However, post-breaking up with Mark and pre-working for the health department I did find myself wondering why she was always at the Parks Department.


It's 'The Office' character brought to 'a poor man's clone' of that show, so what do you expect?

She's unlikable and boring even in 'The Office' - how do you bring a Karen from that show into another one and expect her to somehow magically be MORE interesting or likable..?
