Cutting off the legs?? WHY?

Its very possible I nodded off, and missed the explanation, but what was the purpose of cutting the prisoners (well, undercover US Marshall) legs at the knee joint?? Absolutely didnt get it.


Otherwise they'd have to walk around shackled to a dead body, which, if life experience teaches me anything, would tend to be inconvenient.
I would guess that the ankle shackles made it difficult to just cut off the feet.


because its easier to cut thru knee joint than the shin


They aren't in kindergarten...break that *beep* with the same rock he was trying to break the ankle shackles with earlier...if a dude in real life can cut off his own hand because it's pinned under a boulder and he's been drinking his own urine for a week...then hardened convicted felons can break a dead man's shins...Hell they probably would've had the easiest time if he was still alive.

"Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the Gun" - Army of Darkness - Ash (Bruce Campbell)


They should have just cut off the ankle and removed the legs and NOT carried them with them. Reminded me of the way the guys in Saw I should have cut themselves lose.
