The captured deputy, Ally Lane and possibly painted on underwear
The captured deputy, Ally Lane, is played by English actress, Emma Clifford, who does steady work on film and on stage productions in London. It's a surprise that she took a minor supporting role on this direct-to-dvd movie. I'm not critisizing, just surprised. Maybe it was a convenient way to earn some spending cash between her London gigs. Maybe she did want to try out some horror film acting, or both. I am also surprised that Emma Clifford was willing to do topless nudity, not that I had anything against it. In fact I wished she would have shown everything. LOL.
Right now Emma Clifford is in a London stage performance about Batman, where she plays the catwoman.
I have a speculation about her in the captured scene taking place in Three Fingers' cabin in the woods.
Ally Lane is shown almost nude, trussed up in barbed wire. She soon dies but it's puzzling to see how. Her body doesn't show any mortal wounds, just superficial ones caused by the barbed wire. She doesn't show any profuse bleeding either. Now I had an observation about her underwear thong brief. It looked, 'too neat'. Something was odd. It looked like it wasn't real, but a paint job to look like underwear. I scanned the Internet for photos of that scene and examined it closer. My conclusion stands. I believe her thong brief was actually not real, but paint. Now why would the director do that? Maybe it was a compromise so that the actress Emma Clifford wouldn't have to say she had posed completely nude. It's possible the director originally intended full nudity of Ally Lane. More speculation...when the scene came up for filming, Emma Clifford balked at the full nudity. It was too late to replace her so the director came up with a reasonable compromise. He'd have a faux thong brief painted on Emma Clifford. Emma obviously settled for the compromise and didn't have to be faulted with a full nude scene. As it turned out, the compromise was unnecessary in my opinion. There was enough darkness and shadow in the cabin to obscure Emma where it needed to be. But I guess the painted underwear was for her own comfort level.
It's not difficult to see Ally's underwear was actually a painted one. Look carefully. There are no indentions in her skin where the underwear's elastic bands would be. It's a smooth, uninterrupted curve on her hip where the thong brief shows. Her thong brief looks too, 'neat'. There are no wrinkles in it.