This should not be the final product of Sex and the city. I hope we get one last movie. There is a great potential for one last great movie.

SAMANTHA Forced to be retired
CARRIE Stuck on a "Real housewives" type show the is causing BIG Trouble with BIG
Charlotte Mommy/Wife Burnout Feeling uilty about wanting to return to work
Miranda Forced out of her job and staring up her own company and jeopardizing her retirement


Or better yet, Carrie is sent to Siberia to promote her book, but the others tag along and she meets up with Aleksandr Petrovsky, and he goes to second base, yet on the way home, via Uzbekistan, she runs into Burger and does him in the airport restroom, but Big forgives her, because true love concurs all.


How about one where they are locked in a room and an evil man tells them to stop their fu k ing whining and superficiality and become normal people who aren't bi t ching about not taking first mother fu k ing class . :)


Stop your whining.
