MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City 2 (2010) Discussion > Charlotte's mom breakdown scene

Charlotte's mom breakdown scene

I didn't really like this movie at all. I heard horrible things about it but finally decided to watch it today. It was awful but the one scene that I really liked was when Miranda and Charlotte were drinking and Charlotte basically broke down and talked about how her girls were so overwhelming and stuff and she felt guilty when she'd lock herself in a room and let Rosie cry. I was having this type of day today with my 4 month old and while I was crying, this scene came on and just made me realize that every mom, whether fiction or not, goes through this. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find this scene in a video or even just a type out of it (like that part of it quoted?). Any help is appreciated!!


I would imagine you could just Youtube "miranda charlotte scene sex and the city 2" or something like that, I am sure you can find the scene easily if you play around and type a few different things till ya find it.


What I find kinda weird is the fact that with a live-in nanny who takes care of the kids basically 24/7, why was Charlotte getting stresed out so much?


I agree and why would somebody bake cupcakes wearing a vintage designer skirt? Give me a break already.

"Everything I do, I do it for you."


I just bought this movie for 4 bucks at Target and watched it for the first time. This scene is so weird. I mean, making cupcakes is stressful by itself with two little ones in the room, but why stress yourself even more by making a phone call to her girlfriend to complain while her 2 year old is screaming in her arms??? was all so dumb! (right, AND she wears some expensive clothing around little ones! dumb dumb dumb!)


Im a stay at home mom, I have my toddlers with me all day. If I had a nanny and a housekeeper, there would be do room for crying. I would be do cartwheels and leaping for joy. I don't understand how Charlotte had room to breakdown.


I don't understand how Charlotte had room to breakdown.

You're forgetting that the nanny wasn't there, two minutes out the house and Charlotte was losing it! wow!

Ashmi any question


Every parent has a different breaking point. Every parent is different when it comes to their kids. Some mothers are so judgmental.


Every parent has a different breaking point. Every parent is different when it comes to their kids. Some mothers are so judgmental.

Are you kidding me? She doesn't work and has a full-time nanny. She's a sickening characters as she just wanted kids to have them like possessions, and then she can't cope with the responsibility of having kids.


Really? You wouldn't be overwhelmed with a 2 year old that cries ALL THE TIME? Almost 24/7? I think most people would be overwhelmed whether they have nannies or not. That crying would make most people want to put their (or the kid's) head through a wall.

Add to that another child that obviously wants attention and you get a recipe for an overwhelmed mother.

Charlotte had wanted children since forever. She probably romanticized it in her head. Then reality sets in and she has a child that cries 24/7 and another child that wants attention. It's completely understandable that she wouldn't be able to cope.


Because she had something on her mind she needed feedback on.


I agree and why would somebody bake cupcakes wearing a vintage designer skirt? Give me a break already.

It's all about appearances with her. Everything in that kitchen matched her clothing, her apron, the cupcakes she was baking and even the paint that her daughter was playing with. She wanted the perfect-looking family but didn't anticipate that her older daughter would be messy and the younger daughter would be fussy. Remember how she told Harry how lucky he was to have someone who looked like her, after she had converted to Judaism and he hadn't proposed? I was horrified and could never look at her the same way again.


Exactly. She had to be the perfect little wife and mom who bakes pretty cupcake with her daughters and looks fabulous doing it and her kids look fabulous and help out and are perfect and she can have white clothes and furniture that don't get dirty because her life is perfect and her family is perfect and she's perfect. It's the reason she even wanted kids in the first place. She hired the nanny so she could keep up that pretense. She needs to live in the moment and not always be thinking about how this will affect her appearance to the world.

The journey was terrible...the trip was alright


Thank god somebody thinks like me
Charlotte when she has her melt down, she shouldn't be wearing Valentino around two kids for Christ's sake.
I know your a mum but you have a full time nanny and two kids. Your making cakes with your kids as a fun day and your wearing an expensive suit. I know its New York but I think the fashion is a little rediculous, wearing six inch heels making cakes, heels in your house, it's a little rediculous.


my heart ached for Lily.. like why the hell didn't that idiot get off the phone.
and aside from the fact that she shouldn't have been baking in an all-white vintage outfit, what kind of paint was her child using that she couldn't whip it off real quick and wash it out..

not that i'm the perfect mother, i've definitely had to leave the room when my 3yr old was having a moment... but when Lily was trying to get Charlotte's attention and she held the door shut so she couldn't get in, so sad. Not your kid's fault that you're insecure and decided to bake, talk on the phone, hold a baby, and have your kid paint all at the same time.


and aside from the fact that she shouldn't have been baking in an all-white vintage outfit, what kind of paint was her child using that she couldn't whip it off real quick and wash it out..

What kind of little bastard 6 year old slaps their mom's ass with paint all over their hands just because she isn't paying attention to her at the moment as well? Now I agree with you on your points, but I had to point that out as well because even if I was wearing sweatpants (which I would be) while baking and dealing with kids I would totally punish her ass if she did that to me.

I have a 6 year old daughter and I couldn't see her or any 6 year old I know act like that - it would have been more believable if she was 4 maybe, and that is a big maybe.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


She may have handled it the wrong way... For a 6 yr old... But Charlotte is the adult and the mother in the situation.

It shouldn't have gotten that far in the first place.


You sound like one of those judgmental moms that criticize other moms because they don't do things the way you would. Every mom is different. She got overwhelmed and just needed a moment. And for the fashion, it's Sex and the City, of course she is going to be wearing something like that.


Tbh, sometimes leaving the room IS the perfect parent decision to make, assuming the room is safe for the age. After my sister passed last year I adopted her son who is 8. I love him to death and am constantly cognizant of what he's still going through as a grieving child, but sometimes even I just have to walk away from him for a while. Just like in a heated moment between adults, sometimes the smartest option is going to your corners for a few deep breaths.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


Amen! I agree 100%!


If they hadn't drawn attention to the Valentino skirt, I wouldn't have mind. One of my favourite shows, Persons of Interest. features a brilliant spy wearing an elegant, black suit when he is out fighting bad guys and then coming home to hug his ginger shepherd. I own a similar dog and I know what happens when the fur touches black clothes even for a short time but there was never a point when he shouted, with the most powerful pain in his voice, "Oh you're shedding on my Tom Ford suit"and them complained about it for the entire episode. It's just a James Bond homage, part of the convention, no attempts to make any comments on reality. Charlotte's story was meant, I presume, to portray the hardships of being an young mother but did so with the insights of an alien civilization observing mankind.

When Charlotte yield and it was supposed to be her big moment of realization that motherhood is difficult and she is too tired and overwhelmed, I think everyone who has never seen the show thought: "Put on some sweat pants you spoiled, airheaded bimbo. There are mistakes every mother can make and than there are those nobody above the age of 11 should make" and everybody who has seen the show thought: "Wait a minute, Charlotte has a 6 year-old daughter, before Lily arrived she and Harry had a dog, who gave birth to several puppies in the house. Anyone who learned how to cook, has two kids, had several dogs would have learned to protect their best clothes."
