
I think since her character had gone through such a dramatic change from the series, she deserves her own thread. The old Samantha was a classy smart no-nonsense business woman that enjoyed sex. She was also hilarious throughout the series. I chuckled a few times in the movie, but I was just so let down with how Sam was written in this movie.

Bear with me while I go down my list....

- Samantha has an office that is see through. Naturally she sits there with her underwear around her ankles rubbing salve on her vagina without washing her hands immediately after. Gross.

-The way she was screaming during sex at the wedding so everyone outside the B&B could hear her. Yea, that is so necessary.

-Another poster pointed this out that deserves to be a major character flaw - Samantha's use of the phrase "bite me". It sounds about as dated as "groovy" and she just sounds so damn stupid saying it. I would have loved for someone to tell her to stfu.

There are a few more, but I have to get to her despicable behavior at Abu Dabi.

- The way she refuses to respect the customs and traditions of the Middle East. Really, you can't cover your shoulders for one effing week? Are you going to die if you can't dress exactly the way that you want to when it comes to something as simple as covering your shoulders?

-Her horrible Middle East puns. Lawrence of my labia.....nuff said.

-When she meets Ricard Spurt/Spirt she says "so your name is Dick Spurt?". Also when they are getting a tour of the hotel she asks the manager of the hotel if the soccer players brought their balls. Oh for Christ's sake can you not act like a civilized woman for 2 seconds and save that kind of talk for private conversations with your friends?!

-Her date with Ricard. Ugh. Ok so she is well aware that the laws there are extremely serious when it comes to women, so when she sees a man becoming enraged at the next table she makes sure that she blows the hooka thing, she touches Dick's dick over his pants and she let's him undo her dress in full view of everyone. Now after all of that she wants the girls to believe that she was just caught kissing.

-Samantha carries a handful of rubbers in her purse even when there is no chance she is going to have sex. None at all, she just carries five or so in her bag like it is Chap-Stick. Did she morph into a 15 year old boy that has to carry one in his wallet at all times even though he is not getting laid anytime soon?

-Raging hormones or not her outburst at the spice market was insane. She is wearing a tank top and shorts which is bad enough, but the thrusting and screaming about sex.....just despicable. In reality she would have probably been stoned to death, but hey, Samantha is an American woman that loves sex so it is understandable. Even though their customs and traditions are insane she should be able to spit on them!

-The way she was acting when it came to flying coach. You would think coach was sitting in a dog cage with the rest of the luggage. Oh to be a rich a ssh ole....

In conclusion I really hope SATC 3 is in the works because these ladies need some redemption. Obviously especially Samantha because it really sucks to have my favorite girl end her stint as Samantha like this!

If you read all of this I thank you - yea, I feel like a loser for taking the many flaws of this movie to heart!

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


So I guess you don't mind the final scene with her (which I liked) with Carrie narrating as she always does-"In the land of the free.....and the HOME..of the HORMONES! )(Thank you so much, Sarah Jessica Parker for the excellent narration..:))

MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


I agree about the whole Abu Dhabi trip. Samantha is supposed to be a smart, savvy businesswoman. The way she acted in AD was ridiculous. Hated the second film. This was a big part of why I hated it.



Totally agree with your whole post!


Jack - I agree completely. You expressed exactly what I thought so well. Just wanted to add that Samantha was in Abu Dabi for business, hoping to acquire a lucrative contract. To throw that opportunity away when she could have easily taken Richard upstairs, was totally unbusiness like, and unworthy of a smart, savvy, self supporting woman. Somehow she had been able to manage a successful PR firm for years, but in Abu Dabi all of her professionalism simply vanished. Jmho, but if I were offered the role as written, with how it really tarnished the Samantha character, I would have demanded realistic changes if I were Kim Cattrall. Except for Miranda, the other three seemed so petty and inane in the second movie, as if they were entirely different people.


Well said, Jack. Every time dhe came on the screen, I cringed. And her plastic face! Botox does not make anyone look younger, it makes you look older by making you look very unnatural.


Well said!


I just re-watched this last night and was thinking the EXACT same thing! Her character has no interesting or attractive traits at all now. I mean when she was shovelling the hummus into her mouth it was like watching someone with half a brain do it. Just because she is in menopause dosent mean she should be out right panicked and act like an idiot. I was really disappointed with this part of the movie.

also, what happened to the costume designer?? She went from new interesting and creative ideas to lets just throw some crap together-the outfit Carrie wore to the market was crazy -imo

