4 Spoiled Brats
Let me start off by saying that I am a HUGE SATC fan. I even loved the first movie but this sequel is baaaad.
It is literally a movie about 4 spoiled women.
1. Carrie- where do I begin? She complains for the entire series that Big won't settle down and now that she's got him, she complains he wants too normal of a life? She complains he wants to order in ... she doesn't have to cook! What are you complaining about? That your wealthy husband is saving you the time and energy in the kitchen and is ordering food from a 5 star restaurant to be delivered to your multimillion dollar apartment? Then she cheats on him ... with a married man! Then SHE gets a ring for cheating? And then the way she treats her friends is ridiculous! Charlotte is worried about her nanny and her husband and Carrie's way of being a good friend is to call her paranoid when Charlotte tries to warn her to not go to dinner with Aiden? Then she asks for the girls' advice on what to do and they tell her not to tell Big but she bluntly says she's going to do it anyway.
This movie totally ruined Carrie's character and I don't think a third movie would save her from the damage this movie has done. She is no longer the free spirited fashionista in New York. She is now the entitled, whiney socialite on an all expenses paid trip to Abu Dhabi.
2. Samantha- She has gone from a woman who enjoys sex "like a man" to a disrespectful, vulgar middle aged woman. Anyone else cringe when she crooed "Lawrence of my labia!"? Then she thinks its appropriate to go to a very modest country and scream and yell,"I have sex?!?!" If she was trying to make a women empowerment statement, she went about it the wrong way. And why does she have dozens of condoms in her purse at all times? And why are they sitting on top of everything so that they fall out when she removes something from her purse?
3. Miranda- I actually didn't mind Miranda so much in this movie. I was annoyed with her conversation with Charlotte about motherhood ...
...which leads me to number 4, Charlotte. "How do women with no help do it?" Are you kidding me?!?! You tried for YEARS to have children and you have FULL TIME HELP and you're complaining?! Don't get me wrong, motherhood is no walk in the park but millions of women do it on their own all the time. Charlotte has always been entitled and whiney and this movie really emphasizes it.
The plot is far fetched and the characters were exaggerated. This movie is bad.
And I thought it was really ironic and in bad taste that the movie was so gawdy and show boated the girls' wealth during a great recession. What a way to say to your loyal SATC fans,"Look what we've got and what you don't!" And Samantha's blatant disrespect of Middle Eastern culture while we're in conflict with Middle Eastern countries was plain vulgar and made American women look bad.
I am still a huge SATC fan .. I just wish this movie was not part of the legacy.