4 Spoiled Brats

Let me start off by saying that I am a HUGE SATC fan. I even loved the first movie but this sequel is baaaad.

It is literally a movie about 4 spoiled women.

1. Carrie- where do I begin? She complains for the entire series that Big won't settle down and now that she's got him, she complains he wants too normal of a life? She complains he wants to order in ... she doesn't have to cook! What are you complaining about? That your wealthy husband is saving you the time and energy in the kitchen and is ordering food from a 5 star restaurant to be delivered to your multimillion dollar apartment? Then she cheats on him ... with a married man! Then SHE gets a ring for cheating? And then the way she treats her friends is ridiculous! Charlotte is worried about her nanny and her husband and Carrie's way of being a good friend is to call her paranoid when Charlotte tries to warn her to not go to dinner with Aiden? Then she asks for the girls' advice on what to do and they tell her not to tell Big but she bluntly says she's going to do it anyway.
This movie totally ruined Carrie's character and I don't think a third movie would save her from the damage this movie has done. She is no longer the free spirited fashionista in New York. She is now the entitled, whiney socialite on an all expenses paid trip to Abu Dhabi.

2. Samantha- She has gone from a woman who enjoys sex "like a man" to a disrespectful, vulgar middle aged woman. Anyone else cringe when she crooed "Lawrence of my labia!"? Then she thinks its appropriate to go to a very modest country and scream and yell,"I have sex?!?!" If she was trying to make a women empowerment statement, she went about it the wrong way. And why does she have dozens of condoms in her purse at all times? And why are they sitting on top of everything so that they fall out when she removes something from her purse?

3. Miranda- I actually didn't mind Miranda so much in this movie. I was annoyed with her conversation with Charlotte about motherhood ...

...which leads me to number 4, Charlotte. "How do women with no help do it?" Are you kidding me?!?! You tried for YEARS to have children and you have FULL TIME HELP and you're complaining?! Don't get me wrong, motherhood is no walk in the park but millions of women do it on their own all the time. Charlotte has always been entitled and whiney and this movie really emphasizes it.

The plot is far fetched and the characters were exaggerated. This movie is bad.

And I thought it was really ironic and in bad taste that the movie was so gawdy and show boated the girls' wealth during a great recession. What a way to say to your loyal SATC fans,"Look what we've got and what you don't!" And Samantha's blatant disrespect of Middle Eastern culture while we're in conflict with Middle Eastern countries was plain vulgar and made American women look bad.

I am still a huge SATC fan .. I just wish this movie was not part of the legacy.


You are soooo right! The characters are so over-written as to be almost caricatures of their tv selves. And really not nice people. Certainly, not people I would want in my life. I enjoyed the first movie, just for what it was and that was a continuation of the show. But the sequel is a travesty! To think that serious actors such as Cattral and Nixon appeared in this, well all I can say is, they must really need the money!

My biggest gripe is the name! All or most fans of the show accept that the City is integral to the story. The fifth friend, if you like! There are so many storylines they could have written, but is almost like the writers set out to create the most unpleasnt scenarios they could imagine and then set it in another country.

As for their behaviour in a Moslem country? I can imagine the uproar if the position was reversed.


On Sam:
For years America has been at war with itself over free speech.

Back 21 years ago the old 1960 cartoon "Dick Tracvy" by UPA-the animators responsible for Mister Magoo-reran and some soccer moms got it taken off because their poor feeling [cue "Hearts and Flowers", the famed pity song userd in countless old ccartoons and sitcoms] here] , because of Go Go Gomex [see ttle], This is America dammiot! And we are the best, so the other countries SHOULD also have the free speech. You cannot even say Yowshah [because it's a dialect "black" stereotype impression"] or "Holy Friholes" [think Speedy GOnzales]["Hispanic"] even in THE GODDAM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-as the Davey Crockett song from 1955 said, "THE LAND OF THE FREE". In short, I appreciate with Sam [Kim Cattrall
] did=---right to the sex under the fireworks [Robert Downey Jr. in "Iron Man 2" that year at the start had a similiar sex-patriotiism thing.]

BTW Sammantha, case ya didn't know, is the best and most patriototic. And to the second poster, the Muslims started the war with US!]



BTW Sammantha, case ya didn't know, is the best and most patriototic. And to the second poster, the Muslims started the war with US!]

OMG how brain dead are you? I take it you're American and very clearly brainwashed into thinking this. It's sad that you cannot question anything nor have the ability to think for yourself. That is all.


The characters are so over-written as to be almost caricatures of their tv selves.

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. Especially Carrie and Samantha.

The characters got more preposterous as the tv show went on (the 5th and 6th season were pretty bad...) but in these movies they are pretty much caricatures of what they used to be.


I didn't think Miranda's conversation about motherhood was bad at all. Despite being a spoiled, pampered, whiny little beat, Charlotte NEEDED someone to tell her ” it's okay to say that it totally sucks sometimes” and Miranda was the only one who could do it. You can love your children and still occasionally get monumentally annoyed by them. That said, Charlotte needs a big freaking dose of reality...but in this brief moment I nudged my little tote over to her side.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and forbidden...am I alone here?


First off, I agree the movie is one piece of sh!t! Horrible! They are spoiled but I feel its not THAT fair to think that way about them because all of series has documented the girls rise to success with their respective careers, no? I dont see anything wrong with "living within your means" and they just happen to have the means to a luxurious life THAT THEY WORKED HARD FOR. they didnt all marry a Mr. big and sit at home doing nothing. Thats one thing I liked is that they all needed their career.

As for Sam: yes, she was over the top, but thats her character. On not wanting to cover up.... listen im on a medication that gives me hot flashes something TERRIBLE and I feel like I need to strip naked and stand in front of an ice box, so i could see Sam not feeling that motivated to "cover up"

and the purse breaking and the condoms going everywhere... that whole scene... I thought it was THE MOST HILARIOUS PART OF THE MOVIE. I literally sprayed my drink out of my mouth when she basically had a melt down. I rewinded and watched it at least 10 times. I get that in the middle east they have a certain moral code and "kissing" is illegal. But that is a lil much for someone like Sam to take. Sex isn't dirty... if anything I commend Sam bc it at least shows she is having safe sex and wearing the damn things!

The convo w Charlotte and Miranda: Yes, her comment about how people without help do it was ignorant. But i loved the rest of that chat and that scene. The whole movie Charlotte was a fake person getting defensive at anyone who would dare say that her babies are a pain or causing trouble. FOR ONCE, Miranda got Charlotte to quit her Stepford Wife/50s house wife act and GET REAL. It was refreshing for Charlotte to admit and express how hard it really is. True emotions. but yes, to some people it may seem excessive for Charlotte and harry to have a nanny but in all honesty, I dont think any person should judge any family for their reason to have a nanny. WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO idea what life is really like for them behind closed doors. lets say a stay at home mom of 2 has a nanny. You'd figure why would she need that but she could be suffering from severe post portem depression so badly but still wanting to be a mother figure to her kids but yet needed someone on hand when she was having a spell... Its actually the best thing to do to ensure that the kids are gettinga ll that they need and a sick mom cant do it all. theres all sorts of situations for why people have nannys.



About Samantha. It was completely understandable that she would have a freakout. She is in the middle of menopause, has just gotten out of prison for having sex, and a man has just ripped her bag and everything spills out. Not only does no one help her but the men start circling her and condemning her.

I think she had every right to yell at them. She had reached her breaking point.

The way those men behaved was sickening. The double standard is so rife there. The men can wear whatever they want, they can have belly dancer clubs, they can have sex but a woman is shamed if she wears revealing clothes and has sex.


Yes i agree with most of that - I do feel sorry for Samantha though & i think the screaming 'yes i have sex' is purely out of frustration which i can understand! You go to foreign countries & yes obey the rules always but the constant 'cover up' by Miranda would even get on my nerves! She looks fine in her bather - she didn't wear a bikini so thats fine but Miranda constant 'cover your legs' oh my god! It would drive me insane.
There is something wrong with the middle east, hence the constant fighting - they are living in the dark ages & as much as i would respect their laws if i visited (unlikely as to scared to go to a place where they treat women like crap) * i would feel very uncomfortable there.
Her having condoms in her bag is safety (shes amodern woman() i dont see anything wrong with that - of course she has sex. We all do at some point - i think she got fed up of being told 'Cover up' dont say this, dont say that bloody hell!! I wouldnt say things like she does but im not like that & she is. I like samantha!

Charlotte - Jesus Christ - grow up Charlotte! She has 2 children & a FULLTIME NANNY & she doesnt even work!!!! What is she moaning about, some people work full time, no help & you dont hear them whining! Also if your worried about the nanny & hubby, why would you hire somebody like Erin???? Not to be stupid but if your insecure like me, hire an older lady that isnt quite so pretty & attractive.

Miranda - I quite like her in this apart from her constant 'That means......' in arabic! Translating everything - i would have to say 'I dont care what it means, i dont want to know!! And tell your boss to take a running jump, hes rude, disrespectful etc

Carrie - Jesus christ where should i begin, shes my worst character -i hate her. When i think of carrie i think - whine whine whine, moan moan moan, me me me all the frigging time!!!! You dont go out on a monday when your hubby has just finished work & is knackered when you have done nothing all day!! The TV think - hmm ok a little insensitive but i see where he was going with that, quite a nice idea - i would have liked it :) The cheating....hmmm what a cow! I know it was a kiss but if she was attracted to him, she shouldnt have even gone to dinner & she was dressed like a slut! Very inappropriate - Samantha dressed more appropriately than that & didnt have her T**s out every where over the top of her dress! Samantha is classier than Carrie anyway - she likes sex, so what! Carrie is just as slutty but hides it better. Shes also a cheat, Samantha isnt!! She was attracted to Dante in the 1st movie but did nothing - good for her! Carrie cheated twice!! Also when she did get BIG to go out after whining, was so comical when she barged into Penelope Cruz saying 'Im mrs Preston' very very rude! I wouldnt have liked it either if i saw my guy talking to her but her 'lets go' very selfish!! She should have been talking o him instead of leaving him alone, when you dragged him out in the 1st place!

All in all, i hate Carrie :)
