--All of the scientists on the planet are stupid, its always up to their hot assistants to save the day.
--All the male scientists are either fat or really skinny, and they are always nerds.
--All the female scientists look like they just stepped out of playboy.
--Everybody finds religion, and somehow that religion is always Christianity (not Hindu, or Jewish, or Muslim....)
--Nobody ever needs to eat or go to the bathroom, nope they just drink coffee all day.
--Most men are pigs and they only think about raping women.
--Everybody, even kids, have guns.
--Kids and their bullies become best friends forever.
--Military head honchos are always black and they always shout at the top of their lungs even though the room they are in is the size of a closet, and everything that comes out of their mouth is in the form of a question.
--Apparently only the United States is concerend with the world ending.
--The world is about to end, and it is very important that you rake your front lawn before that happens.
--Don't bother killing your worst enemy who has a Chuck Norris death wish against you, just handcuff him and put him in the back seat of your car, and oh yeah, don't bother to tie his feet or anything either.
--The hero always has to have a really hot daughter.
--Everybody can do incredibly complex mathematics with a pencil and paper, no need to use a calculator even though the figures are in the millions.
--Everybody always seems to have a pencil and piece of paper handy.
--Everybody knows how to use guns.
--You can just walk right out the front door pushing somebody in a wheelchair, even though your son had to become spiderman and crawl through walls and ceiling ducts just to get out of the same room minutes earlier.
--Lazy redneck racist women-hating fat asses are always the first to turn into the good guys after hearing a 30 second speech about Jesus.
--You always divulge your entire person life to complete strangers who seconds ago had a gun pointed to your head.
--Strangers always offer you a cup of hot tea, but not water or a pepsi.
--Kids are always in peril.
--Everybody uses PG rated language (damn, darn-it, oh my god), even though they are about to get raped, shot, crushed by a metoer.
--A metoer hitting the earth is always a test of faith by god.
--Walking in the desert for miles in the blazing sun doesn't even give you sweat stains.
--All Mexicans are criminals.
--Broken up families always unite and hug.
--You need to get to a town asap, and yet you cruise along at 50 mph.
--Russians are always baddies.