MovieChat Forums > The Cabin in the Woods (2012) Discussion > I Didn't Like This Movie And If You Did,...

I Didn't Like This Movie And If You Did, You're Stupid!

Seems to be a common theme from the haters who post here. But the funny thing is that a majority of the criticism is from people who didn't understand the point of the film and in fact, proved the film's point about the viewing audience. There are very few movies that I would question the intelligence of the viewing audience but I still wouldn't begrudge your enjoyment of them even though I didn't. There's no law stating that everyone must like the same things. This is why there are dozens of flavors of ice cream. I might like white chocolate chip while you like tutti-fruitti. I'm not going to question your intelligence because you don't like my favorite flavor. Same with movies. Hell, there are differing opinions of movies in my house let alone in the entire world but that doesn't mean my wife and I are going to get divorced over it. Sadly, there are people who can't see the world passed their own noses and they come here and trash those who do like this movie. You don't like it, fine. That's you're right. What are you trying to accomplish by coming here and trashing the movie and it's fans? Do you think you're going to change anyone's mind? No you aren't because just as you have the right to your opinion, we have the right to ours. You didn't like it, OK. Just move on. No need to come here and be a douchebag about it.


It's strange. There are plenty of movies and shows I don't like and while I may criticize them, I don't insult their fans.

Let's be bad guys.


Agreed. There are movies other people like that I don't but it doesn't effect my life so I don't care.


Oh don't worry. His only joy in life is to belittle other people. Obviously he struggles to connect with humanity and really wishes he wasn't so desperately afraid of the opposite sex... or same sex; the point is he can't find love in this world and that makes him sad. That in turn makes him angry and spiteful. I can only hope he find love!


They're like the school bully who can't read so they beat up the smart kids to feel better about themselves.

"I didn't understand this movie, so you guys must be dumb!"
