imdb ratings are useles...
7? Out of 10? Which means most are rating a 10. Sigh. This a half-grin comedy that's supposed to make some people sexually excited, if anything. Anyone care to explain why the government workers didn't just kill the college "kids"? They made it clear in the end that they merely had to die, virgin last but optional, so what is the point of the monsters? Can you also explain how the monsters got locked up in the first place? How about why the monsters would be able to be released in that room where the workers go; all at once, no less? Also... did no one notice that the redneck zombie whatevers came from the ground and not some hatch? None of this movie makes any sense but so many are for some reason desperate to like it and I don't know why. Many good movies are horribly rated on here... while ones like this are very highly rated.