How about a television show?

Many want to see a prequel to see what these monsters can do individually, rather than all attack at once like in the movie. How about a television show? Not a long-running show, just a simple limited series, maybe two seasons that airs on HBO or Starz and features episodes an hour or and hour and a half long, and focuses on not just Sitterson and Hadley, but also on what the other nations do. Japan, New Zealand, Canada. One part of the episode of the show will focus on how the team behind the scenes get along and interact with everyone, like a day at the office, and mix some friendship drama/comedy crap into the mix, mix in some errors as well, just not as catastrophic as the film was. The other part will briefly focus on the group that is staying at the cabin, and what horror they awaken, and what different methods they'll be killed. One of the options on the board is Kevin. Let's see Kevin. One is the Snowman. Let's see what could possibly unlock the snowman. This part will more than likely be short in the episode because we all know how this plays out. All five sacrifices get killed, and then they clean up. That's the American standard. Let's see the Sweden standard of horror, or German, Japan, Indian horror. We can also explore what occurs if the team brings in more than 5 people at the cabin. Do they let one person go to tell the tale like in most horror movies, or do they strike that person down during clean up? Like, just nonchalantly the clean up team pops up, and caps them as they think they survive like the guy at the end of "Cabin Fever".



Hmmm, I think said show should focus on the american branch, with Hadley and Sitterson as the protagonists. Three seasons, each season featuring a decade, and every episode would be named after the year it takes place:

Season 1: The 80's! Nine episodes. All about the slasher craze. The two-hour series premiere, "1981", would basically be The Evil Dead behind the scenes. Turns out there was a tie when the victims chose their objects in the cellar and both the deadites and the Angry Molesting Tree were unleashed.
Season 2: The 90's. Ten episodes. Main storyline would be the decline of the slasher genre, and rise of meta-horror. Loads of winks to Buffy The Vampire Slayer at the second half. Can't wait for the very, very special episode titled "1998"
Season 3: The 00's. Ten episodes. Focusing mostly on torture porn and found footage. The series finale would be called "2009", the year TCITW was originally made: a gainax ending with the survivors of the film dealing with the rise of the Ancient Ones.

Aaaaw, daydreaming is so much fun!


I really like this idea. I just want you to know that before the message boards get shut down.


If they did an anthology series they would all end the same. Otherwise the ceremonies failed and the world ended.


I've visited a few boards on this movie and seen a few that might be interested. Not many. :)


That would be cool!
