Stupid Movie

What happens when you die on Earth, and don't get sent to heaven?

I mean Earth went to Hell anyways. The movie didn't make any sense. It was like 2012: Redux or something

"All is fair in love and business." - Benjamin Franklin


The people went to heaven because of rapture. So the people who weren't good had to experience hell on earth, until they did something good (SPOILER like seth and Jay at the end)


Oh yeah, well what happened to James Franco after he was eaten up? What difference did it made?

"All is fair in love and business." - Benjamin Franklin


Ha ha ... you watched this and expected an in-depth, rational story. Boy, did you miss the point. Do you even genre?

'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.


Yes this movie was terrible!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, or doesn't.


Well you still had a chance to save yourself before you died.

Religion is nonsense anyway though. I didn't let it bug me too much watching this film.
