MovieChat Forums > This Is the End (2013) Discussion > I think a lot of people in the west need...

I think a lot of people in the west need to travel more

Or wherever because most of the world do worship God, they are happy without the lifestyle the west thinks is keeping them at the top of the tree and better and, they are pleased with a lot less.

I just am always surprised at how little educated we are in the west about the world. We think we can believe people like Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. They have youtube channels so they must be important. We're quite an oddity.

Yes, they have pain and difficulties in the world, but here is the bite, the crux, the important part. They don't run off and build businesses or go to college to escape their pain - they face it, all the time, on a daily basis, and don't care.

That is what religion is about and that is what religion teaches them.

Economically that is about 6 and a half billion people in the world, about 1000 miles away on average from the "peace" of what is referred to as the west.

I know, atheism, shone from youtube gives the impression to the western viewer and consumer that as Dawkins puts it in some way "listen to some music or go to the opera and all will be fine". Well, most of the world don't even need that and they are still, fine.

Life isn't about what you have.

This film is great. Keeping an open mind and traveling the world will tell you that.

Godspeed, Amen, Vaya Con Dios.


That is what religion is about and that is what religion teaches them.
That's right. Religion teaches the idiots to accept suffering at the hands of the powerful who are enjoying life at the expense of those billions. What a great philosophy!

Why stop being raped when you can just learn to accept it and eventually enjoy it? Thanks god/religion!


But why is it that most people in the world who enjoy life live under the poverty ratio and are relgious while the rise in mental health and consumerism occurs for the Middle Classes?


Where are you getting your info that these people are happy? You've done what research? Are you going by suicide rates? The official happiness rating #1 country is DENMARK. Not the third world religious shytholes you are referring to. I think you're the one who needs to travel more or simply get your facts straight.


Happiness rating based upon cultural nuances of the people creating the statistics. Having a long running traditional culture that stands the test of time. That's what these billions have and they didn't have to make Gods out of Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens or people who make video games and technology. Isn't that cool.

Who are you to say these people aren't happy? Who do you think your are that you think you can say these things about people.

Happiness is relative and utterly subjective so just leave them alone and find someone else to moan about.

Putting Denmark in capitals doesn't stop it having high rates of suicide. Their happiness is based upon high taxation in a social democracy. like you seriously want an argument telling me billions of people, who are humanly biological to the fraction of individuals living in wealthy states have suddenly lost the chemicals to be happy.

Science isn't your strong point is it :D

Research and Science and Biology :)


Who are you to say these people aren't happy?
Who are you to say they are? Oh right, you're just talking out of your ass with nothing to back up what you say.
Who do you think your are that you think you can say these things about people.
Someone who knows how to support things with facts, not bullshyt they don't even understand or come close to comprehending.
Science isn't your strong point is it
It actually is, and you are clearly proving it's not yours. You sound like a fricken tard. You literally sourced an article that shows Denmark is happy and they have to go back decades before they fixed things, to show they had a worse suicide rate than the US.  So currently they have the highest happiness rating in the world and one of the lowest suicide rates. What an ass clown.

Meanwhile your precious shythole poor ass countries that rely on religious to get through their miserable lives top the list of suicides. So you fail, yet again. Face facts, you have no clue what you're talking about. Admit to yourself, you're a moron, and maybe you can one day smarten up by stop telling people how it is, and instead start listening. Learning to read might help too, ya dunce.


So you would rather say people are sad in the world even though biologically (as you state, being happy is "talking out of your ass" weird) we all feel happy. Yeah ok, which planet are you on?

For a man who would like to support things with facts you deny people and all people born are happy and you also provide zero facts. You appear to be just regurgitating cliches that you only uphold as some surrogate parent through identity.

Denmark's happiness rating as I have to state to you is based on their social democracy. That means they are measuring it not on happiness but what social state based benefits the country receives. For someone who likes science, you appear to "cherry pick" (to quote the article) what you choose to read and interpret.

You can use google I assume.

Still I am talking to somebody who wants to say billions of people are biologically incapable of being happy, even though it is wired into our brains.

Face facts.

If you could research, you'll know why these countries have high suicide rates, not desperately try to believe something that isn't true.


Please just stop and shut the fuq up. I don't have the patients to deal with your mental gymnastics to support your bullshyt false premise. Get some help. Professional help. Seek it out fast.
