I think a lot of people in the west need to travel more
Or wherever because most of the world do worship God, they are happy without the lifestyle the west thinks is keeping them at the top of the tree and better and, they are pleased with a lot less.
I just am always surprised at how little educated we are in the west about the world. We think we can believe people like Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. They have youtube channels so they must be important. We're quite an oddity.
Yes, they have pain and difficulties in the world, but here is the bite, the crux, the important part. They don't run off and build businesses or go to college to escape their pain - they face it, all the time, on a daily basis, and don't care.
That is what religion is about and that is what religion teaches them.
Economically that is about 6 and a half billion people in the world, about 1000 miles away on average from the "peace" of what is referred to as the west.
I know, atheism, shone from youtube gives the impression to the western viewer and consumer that as Dawkins puts it in some way "listen to some music or go to the opera and all will be fine". Well, most of the world don't even need that and they are still, fine.
Life isn't about what you have.
This film is great. Keeping an open mind and traveling the world will tell you that.
Godspeed, Amen, Vaya Con Dios.