Good one, Hollywoke!

This race swap shit is so 2005! I'd love to see someone do a white version of Friday? What!? Is that too racist?


They did. It was called Pineapple express!

Honestly though, if they remade Friday right now and it was about two white stoners running around a trailer park all day, people(black and white) would probably watch it!


I'm more turned off this new one is rated R when the original was PG-13. Like they think the original wasn't good because it didn't have several Fbombs in it. :(


Does this one have a bunch of F bombs in it? I haven't seen it, I was just curious.


It's rated R for language so yeah. But my point was you are not improving on the original by making it R rated and showing the younger brother smoking Pot and having strong language that wasn't in the original.


Ooh, okay.


Just go to imdb and you can see it's rated r for all those things.
