MovieChat Forums > The Tourist (2010) Discussion > The problem with this film...

The problem with this film...

It had no Idea what Genre it actually wanted to be!

I think the film confused itself, which is why it left us with a predictable mess which IMO...

...was just a sad excuse for Jolie to wear Diamonds and walk around in a floaty manner.

How entertaining....

"I'm a machine and I could know much more!"



The problem is that the movie was a colossal BORE!! Johnny Depp was channeling his inner, modern Jack Sparrow and Angelina Jolie was playing herself again. She's like the female Stallone except that Stallone is awesome.

reply everything. this was the worst thing ever


Agree 100%. Wish I'd read this before I wasted time watching. I kept thinking it would get better. It got worse.



well, I also make up my own mind but I read reviews AFTER I have seen the movie. Usually there are spoilers in movie reviews.


So glad you mentioned the floaty manner! Drove me nuts! Johnny Depp's character completely summed it up with "you are the least down to earth person I know". EXACTLY. Why do I want to watch Angelina for an hour and a half act like she's hot s**t? No thank you. Another thing I haven't seen anyone mention; the constant harps and violins soundtrack. It was just so unfitting for this movie and it NEVER STOPPED! I think if you watched this movie on mute with just captions it would be much better.


The genre is the least problem with this movie. The big problem for me: all the plot holes. Amateurish, the script; can't imagine why Depp & Jolie agreed to do this, unless they really wanted to work together. Good running joke, though, the way Depp kept speaking Spanish to the Italians, especially when the one guy answered him in Spanish by saying 'De nada'.;


Depp was the best part of this film, but he couldn't even save it. And saying he was the best part isn't saying much, because even he was disappointing. I'm sure this movie looked better on paper. The acting, and the soundtrack, are things that they couldn't see before hand. Did Jolie realize she would act like a robot? Did Depp realize he would have no chemistry with said robot? No, not until it was too late! And not until we all had to suffer for it. I couldn't even finish this, and I tried a couple times...


Woow I really aprecciate that someone else noticed how bad the soundtrack was. It was horrible on every aspect. Repititive, boring, trying to make me feel things that the movie didn't represented, making me losing my attention of the boring movie, etc. And the same that you said: IT NEVER STOPPED!!!.
OST are supossed to fit and elevate a movie, adding deepness and converting both in one piece of work, but this was so distracting.
Horrible music and even worst movie.


Yeah i really hate to say this but the film's just really a mess despite being a little entertaining at times thanks for one-liners from Johnny Depp. But yeah overall a really dissapointing mess that sounded great on paper with two great stars. And yeah the film seems like it dosen't know what it wants to be. A thriller/romance or Action/Thriller/Romance or a Adventure/Comedy/Romance. And the pacing of the movie is terrible.


I initially thought I was watching a thriller, but the music score and character situations informed me that I was watching a comedy. The point at which it all became really lame and tiring for me was when the lead characters met on the train. Their dialogue and actions were sorely implausible, and it never improved during the remainder of the film.
