wouldn't have even looked at him

So the boy killed her whole family as well as others ...he was a sociopath from the get go....but I should feel sorry for him because his mother wasnt ready for motherhood...yea whatever...she should have lived her life after his dumb ass.


Your post isn't very concise. What do you mean she should have lived her life after him? Judging by your one-dimensional opinion, I don't think you're suited to watch this type of film. You're taking it too literally. It's not necessarily about "feeling sorry for him", It's about a lot of things. About how from the start, she felt something wasn't right about him. ADDING TO her inability to bond with him/untreated possible post-partum depression. People like Kevin are born sick. He was born different and sociopathic/narcissistic. Her inability to bond with him only allowed this to bloom, thus his condition going unchecked for years until he snapped.

Had she bonded with him at birth as most mothers do, she may have gotten him help. She may have seen something was far more wrong than she thought anyway.

The film left me more angry at her than anything. I'm not sure why you're saying you're "supposed to feel sorry for him?" That's blatantly missing the entire point.

It left me angry at her because she was quite messed up herself. But she, as an adult, should have felt/known her feelings weren't normal nor was her lack of bonding with Kevin. SHE needed help too.

Don't blame just the sociopath/narcissist. Blame the also mentally ill mother who wasn't seeing the bigger picture- about her or her son.

The film ends on a poignant note for me. Both come to some sort of closure. Although both dysfunctional, he clearly left her alive for a reason. He had some sort of incestuous undercurrent of feeling for her. She'll likely open her home to him when he gets out of prison in a year or two (as she states because he was tried as a minor thus receiving less time), and they'll live happily ever after in a sort of Norman Bates and his Mother type of dysfunction and unconsummated incest.


Hmm. I didn't pick up on any incest issues here. Just seemed like a crazy kid that hated the world, most of all his mother. That said, I think he left her alive to make her suffer. He took everything she loved away from her - daughter, husband, job - and left her with nothing but the son she despised. He knew, given how weak willed and easily manipulated she was, that she wouldn't turn her back on him; she would just keep coming around for more abuse like she always did. What he didn't plan was that he would wind up needing her, too. So now he's locked the two of them in some catch 22 hell for the rest of their lives.




good stuff


No anger for the dad? He just buried his head in the sand completely.


She did try to bond with him. She did try and get him help, but no one listened to her or tried to help him. That's not uncommon. Especially when you are with your child all the time. You can sense when things aren't right but others (even a spouse who isn't around them as much) don't see what you see. It's a hard/difficult situation. They see what they want to see.
